1A of Day 1 - Paper 1A01
Understanding teacher professional development during the
field experience period using a socio-cultural view of learning
May May Hung, CHENG
Department of Science
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
The field experience component in the four-year Bachelor
of Education programme (Primary) at The Hong Kong Institute of Education
offers a number of opportunities for students to observe or teach in
a school. The aim of this paper is to analyse the learning of the student
teachers and the supporting teachers during the field experience in
the last two years of the programme and to explain this using a socio-cultural
view of learning. Student teachers and their supporting teachers in
their third year of study in 2000-2001 as well as those in their final
year of study in 2001-2002 were interviewed. The findings illustrate
how supporting teachers and the lecturers can act as agents and describes
their use of mediational means including the use of teaching resources,
and information about pupils’ abilities and habits, in facilitating
the learning of the student teachers. The findings also compare the
sharing of intent between the lecturers and the supporting teachers.
The professional development of the student teachers and the supporting teachers is then analysed with a plane of participatory
appropriation which is characterized by its dynamic nature and changes
among the participants. Finally, the paper summarizes suggestions on
how professional development of the student teachers during the field
experience may be anaysed by adopting a socio-cultural view of learning.
Drawing on the analysis, the paper concludes with implications on ways
to facilitate the learning of the student teachers during the field
experience period.
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1A of Day 1 - Paper 1A02
Mentoring of field experience with a focus on indigenization
of western theories and knowledge
Wai Yee Chan
Part-time Field Supervisor
Department of Applied Social Sciences
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Field supervision involves mentoring. In this process of mentoring,
indigenization of western theories and knowledge has been an increasing
concern in the social work field. Individuals from the academic or
the practice field have raised the concern of suitability of Chinese
culture in indigenization. More questions are asked of what adaptations
need to be made regarding the application of western tools and values
on Chinese especially after the turnover in 1997 and the starting
of social work education in China. Although Hong Kong nowadays can
hardly be called as third world, the influence of Chinese culture
can still easily be found. Accumulated knowledge and experience on
indigenized practice is appearing in literature. However, few give
concern to the perceptions of students towards this issue and the
values of Chinese culture. How strong is such influence on trainees
and clients is yet to be found. Values and culture of trainees are
also influential for the future of social work development. This research
hopes to explore the value and cultural base of students and their
field experience on indigenization and it affects the mentoring process.
The article covers a qualitative research on perceptions
of local students towards Chinese culture and social work knowledge
and how it affects the mentoring experience. It is discovered that
local culture has exhibited a complex picture with various mixture
of Chinese and Western culture. Western knowledge is perceived as generally
universal although adaptation needs to be made in field experience.
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1A of Day 1 - Paper 1A03
Capitalizing on Knowledge: Mentorship among Teacher-Librarians in Hong Kong
Agatha Sit
The Hong Kong Institute of Education Library
Mentoring dates back to Greek mythology with reference to the sharing
of wisdom of knowledge and experience. In Hong Kong, mentorship has
been a hallmark of the professional development of the teacher-librarians.
Following a literature review on mentoring in librarianship,
this paper provides an overview highlighting the mentorship development
among teacher-librarians in Hong Kong. A discussion on how mentorship
shaped the preparation of teacher-librarians leads to an analysis of
four issues: (1) a formalized mentoring framework; (2) a systematical
approach to observe and assess the impact; (3) training to enhance
the competency of teacher-librarians; and (4) re-thinking the commitment
to evidence-based practice.
While there are complex issues facing the teacher-librarian
profession, the author invites the teacher-training institutes to explore
their role and participation in facilitating the advancement of teacher-librarianship
in Hong Kong which is a pivotal component to nurture information-literate
learners for the purpose of knowledge building.
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1B of Day 1 - Paper 1B01
Partnerhip in Field Experience –
Optimizing the Effect of English Language Education
Evelyn MAN Yee-fun (The Chinese University of Hong
Kong) &
Bette LI King Chia Chin (Education & Manpower
Bureau, HKSAR)
This paper aims to share experiences of a unique Quality
Education Fund (QEF) project which was based on partnership at different
levels to optimize the effect of English language education. To enhance
English language education, a cross curricular approach is essential,
that is, English is not only learnt in the language lessons, it is
also consolidated and strengthened by the effective learning of the
subject language across the curriculum. The training and co-operation
of teachers are thus crucial. A QEF funded project initiated by the
Education and Manpower Bureau, HKSAR, attempted to address the above
issue by providing support to teachers and schools that use English
as the medium of instruction (EMI). Partnership in field experience
was achieved at different levels, involving:
1. local and overseas institutions (the Education and Manpower
Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government and the South Australian Department
of Education
and Children’s Services),
2. tertiary education and secondary education personnel (The Chinese
University of Hong Kong working with a number of secondary school
teachers of various subjects in different schools),
3. the Government and the participating schools,
4. various secondary schools taking part in the project, and
5. various subject personnel within the different schools.
This paper intends to share the model of partnership and the
unique mode of training offered in this project and the
field experiences
in how support was best given to teachers to enhance
English language education. The effects on teacher-tutors and
involved in this project will be discussed. |
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1B of Day 1 - Paper 1B02
University-school Partnerships: To Learn and to Serve
Tat Heung CHOI
(on behalf of the Practicum and School Partnership Committee)
Department of Education Studies
Hong Kong Baptist University
In capitalist societies such as Hong Kong, where technological
change is rapid, the growth of the service economy is powerful, and
managerial functions are increasingly complex, the education system
is subject to many pressures. These pressures are translated to the
form of curriculum and to the demand for qualified teachers, as manifest
in the Education and Manpower Bureau’s attempts to reform the curriculum,
and to enhance the qualities of teachers through benchmarking. The
external economic pressures from the society as a whole also challenge
teacher-education providers.
Against this background, we have attempted to demonstrate
how university-school partnerships might benefit the student-teachers,
the schools as well as the pupils, and contribute to the development
of teacher professionalism in Hong Kong. Although the close relationship
between learning to serve and field experience has long been recognised
in teacher education, its various dimensions have rarely been examined
empirically. This paper traces the orientations and outcomes of the
School Service Scheme ‘To learn and to serve’, which was initiated
by the Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.
30 secondary schools and 57 student-teachers participated in the pilot
scheme (June – August 2003) as part of a larger ongoing project. Relevant
findings have emerged from the questionnaire responses from the partner
schools and student-teachers. The data indicate some connection between
school band and the demand for pedagogic and administrative support:
the lower the school band, the stronger the need for student-teachers’ input. The data also suggest the importance of matching
the needs and preferences of student-teachers and of partner schools.
For those student-teachers who were assigned suitable jobs, boosted
confidence was reported in classroom management, materials preparation,
decision-making, and needs analysis. Thus, it is crucial at an early
stage to ensure that the host schools will value the personal and social
dimensions of the scheme, and subsequently plan the student-teachers’
duties with these in mind. Equally important are to acquaint student-teachers
with negotiation skills and with the appropriate attitudes towards
school service, and to foster a sense of belonging and commitment among
them. It was through taking initiatives that student-teachers developed
a sense of ownership of their school service. This raises the issue
of student-teacher autonomy in field practice which deserves more attention
in teacher-education programmes. Despite the limits of the engagement,
the evaluation of the School Service Scheme lends itself to the emergence of relevant
concepts, which could well serve to set an agenda for university-school
partnerships in field experience.
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1B of Day 1 - Paper IB03
教學改革實驗報告 : 較複雜的速率應用教學
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1C of Day 1 - Paper 1C01
One-day-per-week school attachment: Voices
of supporting teachers and Year One student teachers
Pamela Leung & Jasmine
Field Experience Coordinators, BEd(L), School of Languages in Education
The Bachelor of Education
(Languages) [(BEd(L)] Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Education
(HKIEd) was first implemented in 2001-02. As an integral part of the
programme, the design of the Field Experience curriculum has its own
characteristics. In addition to the traditional practice on classroom
teaching, ranging from collaborative to independent teaching from Year
Two onwards, the programme provides student teachers with opportunities
for school visit and attachments through which they can better understand
the requirements of language teaching in school contexts. Among all
school attachments, the one-day-per-week attachment to a local secondary
school in the second semester of Year One has received controversial
feedback from various stakeholders. Such feedback reflects diversified
considerations from school teachers involved about whether they will
continue to support similar activities. Based on the feedback received in the past two
years, this paper will first synthesize voices of current Supporting
Teachers and student teachers of the BEd(L). Then the authors will
discuss the effectiveness of such a mode of school attachment in preparing
student teachers for classroom teaching. Taking the voices of Supporting
Teachers and student teachers into consideration, we hope that this
paper could help reveal a comprehensive evaluation of the design, and
more important, the quality of Field Experience could be enhanced in
due course and the partnership between the Institute and schools in
the local community tightened. |
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1C of Day 1 - Paper 1C02
鄧怡勳 蔡碧蓮
電話: +852 2948 7590,
傳真: +852 29487619, 電郵:
教學實習是教師教育中關鍵的一環,除了在本地進行教學實習外,跨文化教學實習在職前教師培訓中亦漸趨普遍。本文闡述一個六位實習教師學習歷程的質性個案研究,此六位實習教師在香港接受小學學位教師教育文憑課程,課程中有兩次教學實習,在第一次教學實習中,其中四位實習教師在澳洲、加拿大及中國內地進行跨文化教學實習;其餘的教學實習均在香港小學進行。本文集中探討實習教師在跨文化及本地教學實習環境中的學習經驗;研究結果顯示跨文化體驗有助建立實習教師的文化導向,同時亦討論實習教師在教學實習中「行動環境」、「社羣專業環境」及「視導環境」三個範疇所面對的挑戰與支援,及他們在教學自我上的建構。是項研究的發現讓我們對實習教師的專業學習有更深的認識,並對發展高質素的教學實習帶來啟示。 |
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1C of Day 1 - Paper 1C03
關鍵字:女性主義、生態教室、教學思考 |
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1C of Day 1 - Paper 1C04
胡少偉 袁仲池
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1D of Day 1 - Paper 1D01
一課看似很易教授的課題,若只是教授真分數、假分數及帶分數的名稱,這確是很易教授,但重要的是我們要透過這課來帶出分數的概念及意義。 |
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1D of Day 1 - Paper 1D02
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1D of Day 1 - Paper 1D03
梁志強博士 香港教育學院數學系
本文旨在透過課堂研究個案,詳述教師在處理異分母分數教學的優化改變。參與是項課堂研究的學校,原本提出針對小學四年級異分母分數的加減作為探究課題,此課題為老師認為該校學生甚難掌握的數學概念。經過早期預備會議討論後,參與的老師理解到,若要學生學好異分母分數的加減,必須先讓學生明白通分的意義,繼而令學生探究出通分的技巧。在集體設計教學活動的過程,老師跳出了課本的框框,安排讓學生探究的活動。透過是項研究,老師掌握了課題的關鍵特徴,優化了異分母分數的教學,學生的學習過程富啟發性,為異分母分數的加減奠下穩固的基礎。 |
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2A of Day 2 - Paper 2A01
An effective web-based approach to support the initial training
of science teachers at HKIEd
May May-hung CHENG, Winnie Wing-mui SO and Yau-yuen YEUNG
Department of Science
This paper reports the processes and ways on how a dedicated website
has been developed by a group of seven colleagues at HKIEd Science
Department to support their student-teachers’ development of teaching
competence during various kinds of field experience activities such
as practicum, teaching practice and school visit etc. From the outcome
of our project, a comprehensive web-based system was created with
the following specially selected features to help our student-teachers
to develop confidence and skills for the effective teaching of various
science topics in schools:
- A data bank of 20 sets of video clips on exemplary parts of students’
teaching performance in schools or microteaching at HKIEd as identified
and selected by their supervisors.
- A collection of virtual reality resources which include typical
classroom or laboratory environment with 3D/panoramic view etc.
- A website called Field Experience Support on Science (FESS) being
developed at which provides a platform
for the management of the aforementioned 2 types of resources
in the WWW plus various synchronous or asynchronous communication
channels as well as sharing of lesson plan, scheme of work and
other teaching
resources etc. Each video clip had been reviewed and commented by a project
team member who was also the student-teacher’s supervisor or tutor.
Those video clips were normally accompanied with the lesson plans,
detailed description of teaching materials and/or self-reflection.
Besides, a questionnaire survey had been administered to about 150
students in 5 different teacher education programs to collect feedback
for evaluating the effectiveness of this website. The initial results
indicated a definite success of this project. More detailed findings
and analysis of this questionnaire survey and the use of this project
to facilitate post-lesson conference will be thoroughly discussed in
this symposium paper.
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2A of Day 2 - Paper 2A02
“The Effectiveness of Using Video-taped lessons as an alternative
mode of teaching supervision.”
Margaret Wong and the *Project Team
School of Early Childhood Education (SECE), The Hong Kong Institute
of Education
The School of Early Childhood Education has conducted a project in
2002/03 to explore the effectiveness of using videotaped lesson as
an alternative mode
teaching supervision for in-service students, and ways of improving the techniques
of videotaped lesson analysis. 10 students from the Qualified Kindergarten
Teacher Course, 8 from the Certificate in Kindergarten Education programme
and 9 practicum
supervisors participated in this study. Both the practicum supervisors and
students’ views on this supervision mode were examined through group interviews.
The results
indicated that videotaped lesson analysis was a promising mode of supervision.
It offered students flexibility in preparing the videotape when they, the
children and the environment are ready, and a more flexible schedule
for supervisors
to evaluate students’ teaching and providing them feedback. Students’ reflection
was also enhanced through the review of the videotape by themselves, with
their children and their colleagues, and with their supervisors
during the post lesson conferencing.
(*Audrey Lim, Jenny Yau, Rebecca Cheng, Christina Ching, Jenny Ma, Woo
Yuen Shan, Conita Law, Anita Wong, Edith Leung)
Session 2A of Day 2 - Paper 2A03
On ‘gazing about with a checklist’ as a
method of classroom observation in the field experience supervision
of pre-service student teachers: A case study
Bennan ZHANG, The Department of Chinese,
‘Gazing about with a checklist’ as a main technique
or method of classroom observation as employed by the BEd (P) programme
of the HKIEd during classroom supervisions has its strengths in
practice, but referring to the aims of the field experience component
and the purposes of its supervision, such practice is weak with
regards to enhancing student teachers’ professional development
of their teaching. This discussion will focus on problems of validity
and effectiveness of this method, such as its lack of factual data
collection, and subsequently its disadvantages in establishing
the student teachers’ quality of teaching in the classroom. To
make up for its deficiencies, other methods, techniques, and instruments
of observation such as participant and competency-based observational
methods, formative appraisals, and factual data collection, will
be suggested as helpful or complementary.
Pointing out the weaknesses of the ‘gazing about’
observational technique or method in supervision is not meant to
negate the current field experience supervision approach of the
BEd (P) programme as a whole. In fact, the existing field experience
supervision component of the programme has been working very well
for many years. What this paper intends to do is, based on the
author’s experience in supervision, to point out that the existing
field experience supervisory approach, particularly its adopted
technique of classroom observation, still has some room for development.
This paper includes four sections. After a brief
review in Section I of some literature concerning classroom observational
methods, Section II describes the usage of the method of ‘gazing
about with a checklist’ as employed in the Bed(P) programme of
the HKIEd. In Section III, this paper discusses some strengths
and problems of this method in enhancing student teachers’ professional
development, focusing on the weaknesses of the method in use. Section
IV is a conclusion of the discussion.
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