
Talks and Resources

Talks and Resources

Visiting Professors

Name Visiting Period Home Institutions Event(s)
Prof Pirjo Annika Aunio 29/5/2024 - 7/6/2024 University of Helsinki, Finland

InCRECE Keynote Speech: Helping children with math learning difficulties: back to the drawing board (3 June 2024)

Workshop: A workshop on developing educational measurements to be used by educators to assess learning and identifying learning difficulties (6 June 2024)

Prof Gustavo Carlo 24/5/2024-5/6/2024 University of California, Irvine, United States

Publishing in the Social Sciences (28 May 2024)

InCRECE Keynote Speech: Parental Socialization of Prosocial Behaviors: A Case Study of U.S. Latine Families (2 June 2024)

Prof Ryan E. Rhodes 2- 8/5/2024 University of Victoria, Canada Seminar: How to mentor graduate students and build a successful laboratory culture (6 May 2024)
Prof Kenneth Elpus 13-19/1/2024 University of Maryland, United States

Seminar: Antecedents and Consequents of Elective Music Education in the United States (15 Jan 2024)

Seminar: Publishing in Arts Education Policy Review (19 Jan 2024)

Prof. Rich Masters 17-30/4/2023 the University of Waikato, New Zealand

Research Capacity Building Workshop:

Grant getting for beginners: Putting the fun into funding

Prof Jane Oakhill 5-19  /1/2020 University of Sussex, UK Seminar: Children’s difficulties with text comprehension: From theory & research to support & intervention. (10 January 2020)
Prof Dorit Aram 16-23 /6/2019 Tel Aviv University, Israel

Seminar: Writing with pre-schoolers: A stimulus for the development of early literacy skills (18 June 2019)

Seminar: Early childhood in Israel: History, Policy, and Practice (19 June 2019)

Prof Mark O'Reilly 19-25 /5/2019 The University of Texas at Austin, US Keynote Speech of Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE): Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorderin Inclusive School Settings: A Best-Evidence Synthesis (23 May 2019)
Prof Susan Elizabeth Edwards 18-26 /6/2018 Australian Catholic University, Australia

Seminar: Understanding Pedagogical Play-framework: theory and practice (20 June 2018)

Workshop: Designing an investigation into digital play (22 June 2018)

Prof Marilyn Fleer 15-20 /5/2018 Monash University, Australia Keynote Speech of Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE): Scientific Playworlds: Promoting Conceptual Play in Eary Childhood Settings (19 May 2018)
Prof Sacha Powell 24/2/2018 - 3/3/2018 Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

Seminar: Exploring professionalism in continuity of care approaches to early learning provision for children form birth to three (27 February 2018)

Seminar: The place and purpose of singing in early childhood settings (in England) (1 March 2018)

Prof Thomas Bradbury 10/9 - 20/9/2017 Universiy of California, Los Angeles

Seminar: Communication in Intimate Relationships: Unexpected Results and Emerging Controversies (12 September 2017)

Seminar: Writing Grant Proposals: A Practical Approach for Emerging Scholars (13 September 2017)

Prof Thomas Power 15/5 - 26/5/2017 Washington State University

Seminar: How do mothers help their children cope with stress? Basic research and preliminary evaluation of a parent education program (18 May 2017)

Seminar: Preventing obesity in early childhood: development, evaluation, and dissemination of a family based program (22 May 2017)

Prof Yuko Hashimoto

9/12 - 13/12/2016

8/5 - 12/5/2017

Kwansei Gakuin University

Seminar: Fostering social and moral development in Japanese early childhood classrooms (12 December 2016)

Seminar: Educational practices in Japanese kindergaretns form a constructivist approach (13 December 2016)

Keynote Speech of Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE):  Promoting Children's Social, Emotional, and Moral Development in Japanese Early Childhood Classrooms. (11 May 2017)

Prof Jayne Osgood 16/5 - 25/5/2017 Middlesex University 7th Montessori Asia Conference
Prof Kristiina Kumpulainen 10/5 - 12/5/2016 University of Helsinki Keynote Speech of Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE): The success of Finland's educational system (12 May 2016)
Prof Thomas Power 8/5 - 19/5/2016 Washington State University

Seminar: Parental Feeding and Children's Self-Regulation of Eating (16 May 2016)

Seminar: Self-Regulation, Effortful Control and Executive Functioning in Preschool Children - Visual Methodologies and Arts-Informed Research (18 May 2016)

Prof Rachel Holmes 13/3 - 18/3/2016 Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Seminar: The Role of Curiosity in Childhood Research (14 March 2016)

Seminar: Visual Methodologies and Arts-informed Research (16 March 2016)

Docent Prof Ann Merete Otterstad 16/1 - 26/1/2016 Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway

Seminar: Undertaking ethnographic and phenomenological research within the context of a Norwegian kindergarten (18 January 2016)

Seminar: Examining some of the professional and pedagogical complexities that are encountered when ethnic minority children make the transition to and within Norway (20 January 2016)

Seminar: The ‘competent child’: Young children’s participation within the kindergarten (22 January 2016)

Prof Adam Winsler 29/5-11/6/2015 George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Seminar: The Strengths of Bilingualism, Dual Language Learners, and Immigrant Families: School Readiness, Executive Functioning, and Early School Performance and Behavior in the Context of the USA (1 June 2015)

Workshop: Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques, Safe Statistics, and Dealing with Missing and Nested Data (4 June 2015)

Seminar: How to Scaffold Children's Learning and Development (8 June 2015)

Workshop: Childcare, School Readiness, Grade Retention, and Early School Performance Among Ethnically Diverse, Children in Poverty: Results from the Miami School Readiness Project (MSRP) (10 June 2015)

Prof Thomas Power 16/4-2/5/2015 Washington State University

Workshop: Observational Data Analysis Workshop: Strategies for Analyzing Observational Data (20 April 2015)

Workshop: Getting Published:  Tips for Writing Compelling Journal Articles (29 April 2015)

Prof Thomas Power 20-30 /10/2013 Washington State University

Workshop: An Introduction to Prevention Science (22 October 2013)

Workshop: Observational research methods (28 October 2013)

Seminar: Parenting and Children's Emotion Regulation (25 October 2013)

Informal Research Meeting: Childhood obseity/children's health (24 October 2013)

Informal Research Meeting: Meeting with teaching staff who completed their doctorate degree (28 October 2013)

Prof Elizabeth Graue 15-28 /9/2013 University of Wisconsin – Madison

Workshop: Research Questions (Bring your research questions/draft questions to share) (17 September 2013)

Workshop: Research Design (Come prepared to discuss your design ideas) (19 September 2013)

Workshop: Literature Review (What needs to be included and why: how to make a convincing case) (23 September 2013)

Workshop: Significance, impact, budget, roles of researchers, implications, data management plan etc. (How to deal with these aspects of grants: come with questions) (25 September 2013)

Prof Karen Chia-yu Liu 1/7/2012 - 31/7/2013 Indiana State University

Seminar: Challenges researchers face in academia (8 April 2013) 

Workshop: The Rubric: A Tool to Empower Your Ability to Assess Students' Learning Outcomes Accurately and Fairly (20 November 2012)

Prof Bert van Oers 28/4/2013 - 8/5/2013 VU University Amsterdam

Informal discussion: Research & Teaching Collaboration (30 April 2013)

Seminar: Towards a new theory of play: understanding play from a cultural-historical perspective (3 May 2013)

Seminar: Evaluating the different positions of play in the early years curriculum (6 May 2013)

Prof Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson 27/4/2013 - 4/5/2013 Göteborg University

Workshop: Phenomenography (30 April 2013)

Seminar: Educational encounters: Nordic Studies in Early Childhood Didactics (2 May 2013)

Prof Elizabeth Graue 7-20 /1/2013 University of Wisconsin – Madison

Workshop: Constructing experience through analysis & respresentation (10 January 2013)

Seminar: Why We Need both Generalizable and Contingent Knowledge in Early Childhood Research (14 January 2013)

Prof Nicola Yelland 30/8/2012 - 14/9/2012 Victoria University Seminar: Ethnography, multiplicity and The Global Childhoods Project: Reflections on establishing an interdisciplinary, transnational, Multi-sited research collaboration (7 September 2012)
Prof Susan Jane Grieshaber 19-26 /2/2012 Queensland University of Technology, , Australia Seminar: Processes of transformation: From an Institute to a University (21 February 2012)
Prof Chen Lung An 29/10/2011 - 12/11/2011 Shih Chien University

Seminar: My Personal Experience in The Life-long Creative Thinking (4 November 2011)

Seminar: Creativity and Creative Teaching (10 November 2011)

Prof Linda Siegel 12-27 /10/2011 University of British Columbia

Seminar: Teaching English to Chinese Learners: the Xian experiment (19 October 2011)

Seminar: Understanding Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Disabilities (24 October 2011)


Visiting Scholars

Name Visiting Period Home Institutions Event(s)
Dr. Richard Pountney 22-29/5/2023 Sheffield Hallam University, UK Seminar: Developing the school curriculum for the 21st Century: The role of teachers and teacher education (25 May 2023)
Dr. Flavia Santos 14-27/5/2023 University College Dublin, Ireland

Seminar: Transforming mathematics education through a multilayered approach (16 May 2023)

Workshop: Becoming a Researcher: Challenges for Early Career Researchers (23 May 2023)

Interview: Inside the Studio Interview with Dr. Flavia Santos (19 May 2023)

Dr. Beatriz Ilari 1-8/5/2023 University of Southern California, US Music with the under 3s: Learning as participation (2 May 2023)
Dr Rachel Jones 10-16 /3/2019 University of Wollongong, Australia

Seminar: The missing piece - the physical domain of child development (27 March 2019)

Seminar: Is there something missing from the professional development in the ECEC sector? (28 March 2019)

Dr Kate Williams 14-18 /1/2019 Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Workshop: Rhythm and movement for self-regulation in preschool (14 January 2019)

Seminar: Change is certain: Approaches to modelling the dynamics of early childhood development (18 January 2019)

Dr Elisa Delvecchio 15-20 /5/2018 University of Perugia, Italy Seminar: Affect in Play Scale: Assessing child's cognitive and affective development through pretend play (17 May 2018)
Dr Riikka Mononen 5-11 /3/2018 University of Oslo, Norway Seminar: Supporting children at risk for mathematical learning difficulties using ThinkMath intervention programme (8 March 2018)
Dr Jennifer Masters 6/6 - 16/6/2016 University of Tasmania

Seminar: Using digital technologies with young children: Creating, thinking and imagining (6 June 2016)

Seminar: The Learning Journey Protfolio: Using an e-portfolio to represent student learning across an early childhood program (10 June 2016)

Seminar: Cyber safety to cyber citizens: How to support children growing up with the online world (13 June 2016)

Dr Susan Edwards

9-18 /3/2014


Australian Catholic University

Seminar: Research-based teaching in pre-service teacher education (11 March 2014)

ICT Workshop to Pre-service students: Using digital technologies and digital media in early childhood settings (12 March 2014)

We have developed a set of online resources to support postgraduate students who are preparing research proposals or who are undertaking doctoral research. The project consists of a website with nearly 200 short videos. The videos show interviews with academics and research students, as well as supervisory sessions. Topics include types of research, research methods, thesis writing, managing research studies, and the perspectives of an external examiner. The videos feature academics and students from EdUHK and from other tertiary institutions. This online database is designed to facilitate innovative distance and blended learning pedagogies.

The videos can be viewed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone. The website is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 11, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Video Resources for Doctoral Students