
Research Impact Clusters

Research Impact Clusters

Department of Early Childhood Education holds 6 Research Impact Clusters (RICs) funded by the Faculty of Education Human Development. These RICs aim to extend our research and knowledge exchange benefiting various stakeholders in the community including children, parents, schools, and organizations locally, regionally, and internationally. Throughout collaboration initiatives and community connections building, our RICs engage the members within the Department, across departments in the Faculty, and also in the community.

Research Impact Clusters (RICs) are formed in the below 5 areas:


Arts and Creativity Arts and Creativity 

Project status Project details
Current project
Current project

Children Development Children Development

Project status Project details
Current project
Completed project

Research Output Reference

Published articles 1

Link to article

Cheung, S. K., Siu, T.‑S. C., & Caldwell, M. P. (2023). Mathematical ability at a very young age: The contributions of relationship quality with parents and teachers via children’s language and literacy abilities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51, 705-715. doi: 10.1007/s10643-022-01338-x

Published articles 2

Link to download

Siu, T.-S. C., Caldwell, M. P., Cheung, S. K., & Cheung, H. (2022). Deliberating on group sizes and child-adult ratios in infant-toddler care and education: Voices of practitioners and parents from Hong Kong. The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi, 24(1), 4-10.

Poster presentation 1 

Society for Research in Child  Development 2023 Biennial  Meeting (Salt Lake City, USA)

Interactive effects of teacher- child relationships and early  childhood learning experiences on children’s pre-academic skills 
Poster presentation 2

International Society for the Study of Behavioral  Development 26th Biennial Meeting (Rhodes, Greece) 

Gendered pathways to  socioemotional competencies and behaviors in very young  children: The roles of parent- child closeness and teacher- child closeness 
Poster presentation 3 

Hong Kong Educational  Research Association and Asia- Pacific Educational Research  Association International  Conference 2021 (Virtual)        

Evaluating structural and process qualities of infant and toddlers rooms in Hong Kong
Poster presentation 4 

Hong Kong Educational  Research Association and Asia- Pacific Educational Research  Association International  Conference 2021 (Virtual)        

Relations of parent-child and teacher-child relationships to very young children’s mathematical abilities: The  mediating role of receptive  vocabulary 

Family and Community Family and Community

Project status Project details

Completed  Project

Research Output Reference

Knowledge Transfer Booklet 

Link to download



Health Promotion and Well-being Health Promotion and Well-being

Project status Project details
Current project
Completed project

Research Output Reference

Published articles 1

Link to article

Link to download

Wan AWL, Chung KKH, Li J-B, Xu SS and Chan DKC (2024) An assessment tool for the international healthy eating report card for preschool-aged children: a cross-cultural validation across Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. Front. Nutr. 11:1340007. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2024.1340007

Published articles 2

Link to article

Link to download

Wan, A. W., Chung, K. K., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. (2024). Healthy Eating Report Card for Pre-school Children in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Medical Journal.

Press Release

Link to download

A healthy eating report card for pre-school children in Hong Kong grades children’s eating behaviours and family home food environment (21 May 2024)

Published articles 3

Link to article

Link to download

Chiu, R. M. Y., Capio, C., Hagger, M. S., Yung, P. S., Ip, P., Lai, A. Y. K., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Grandparent Caregivers’ Adherence towards Preventing Childhood Domestic Injuries: A test of the Integrated Model of Self-Determination Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. SSRN.
Completed project

Research Output Reference

Published articles 1

Link to article

Cheung, S.K., Chan, W.W.L. & Fong, R.Wt. Parents’ perfectionistic tendencies and children’s early numeracy competence: the mediating roles of children’s executive functions and numeracy interest. Eur J Psychol Educ 38, 1185–1200 (2023).
Completed project

Research Output Reference
Resource Portal Website

Published articles 1

Link to article

Link to download

Mak TCT, Chan DKC, Capio CM. Strategies for Teachers to Promote Physical Activity in Early Childhood Education Settings-A Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jan 20;18(3):867. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18030867. PMID: 33498374; PMCID: PMC7908495.

Published articles 2

Link to article

Leung, F.Y.W., Chan, D.K.C., Mak, T.C.T., Capio, C.M. Early Childhood Educators’ Physical Literacy Predict Their Self-Efficacy and Perceived Competence to Promote Physical Activity. Early Education and Development. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2023.2243187

Pedagogy and Professional Development Pedagogy and Professional Development

Project status Project details
Current project
Current project
Completed project

Research Output Reference
Poster Presentation 1

The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, United States.

Sun, J., & Wang, Y. (2023, March 23-25). From professional experiences and qualifications to professional practices: The case of early childhood mathematics education [Poster presentation].

Completed project

Research Output Reference

ECE STEM Project Website 

ECE STEM Teaching packages

26 sets of co-developed teaching packages with 12 project schools developed

ECE STEM Home-based

Learning Videos on Youtube

Link to video 幼兒STEM學習和創客教育計劃 - 李子建教授

Link to video 六個幼兒STEM和創客活動簡介

Link to video 幼兒STEM和創客活動 - 手機投影器

Link to video 幼兒STEM和創客活動 - 磁力車

Link to video 幼兒STEM和創客活動 - 節水裝置

Link to video 幼兒STEM和創客活動 - 簡單機械:滑輪

Link to video 幼兒STEM和創客活動 - 蔬菜再生

Completed project

Research Output Reference

Youtube video

Link to video 自由遊戲 [實踐篇] Extending the Margin of Play

Teaching tool inventions