The concept of happiness has been addressed from both philosophical and psychological perspectives. Given the possible connection between happiness and well-being, the promotion of happiness in teaching and learning and the development of “happy schools” have gained increasing attention. The present exploratory empirical study is conducted in Hong Kong and investigates the teaching of happiness in a sample of pre-service and in-service teachers. Their perceptions of teaching happiness are also compared, which may have implications for teacher education and development programmes. The results reveal that whilst pre-service and in-service teachers have different perceptions of happiness, many agree on the importance of teaching happiness and the key role of teachers’ positive emotions in such teaching. The findings suggest that from the perspective of life education, more attention should be given to teaching happiness through different perspectives and strategies, including the development of happy schools.
Prof. Lee Chi-Kin John
Vice President (Academic) and Provost, Director of CRSE and UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning
Ms. Xie Meng
Senior Research Assistant of CRSE