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Learning Cantonese via Cultural Visits (6): Exploring Cheung Chau

Discover Cheung Chau: A Cantonese-infused Cultural Experience!

目标 / Objectives

I. 为学生提供身临其境的体验,学习粤语并探索长洲的独特文化魅力。
To offer an immersive experience to students to learn Cantonese and discover Cheung Chau's unique cultural charm.
II. 为学生提供机会在真实的日常情境中观察粤语的使用情况。
To provide opportunities to students to observe Cantonese language usage in authentic daily settings.
III. 练习相关的粤语词汇、语句或语法。
To practice related Cantonese vocabularies, phrases, or grammar.

报名资格 / Participants

Non-Cantonese speaking students

活动简介 / Activity Description

This Cantonese cultural visit to Cheung Chau aims to enhance Cantonese proficiency and foster a stronger connection between the Cantonese language and Hong Kong's unique identity. By exploring this historic and culturally rich fishing village, participants will gain a memorable and well-rounded understanding that inspires further exploration of the city's culture.

日期 / Dates

○    参访日期 / Date for the Visit:
    2025年3月4日 下午12:30-5:30
    2nd March, 12:30pm-5:30pm
○    简介会 / Date for Briefing:
    2025年2月25日 下午5:00-6:00 (Zoom)
    24th February, 5:00pm-6:00pm (Zoom)
○    总结会 / Date for Debriefing:
    2025年3月11日 下午5:00-6:00 (Zoom)
    10th March, 5:00pm-6:00pm (Zoom) 注意事项 / Notes

1.    如果参加者同时出席简介会和总结会,并完成评估(问卷调查),就可以获得交通费报销。
    Students who attended both the briefing and debriefing sessions, and finish evaluations (a questionnaire survey) can get the transportation fee reimbursement.
2.    学生参加活动前须签署承诺书。
    Student participants have to sign an undertaking form before joining the activity.

参与指南 / Participation

To participate, simply complete the form.
报名截止日期 / Deadline of Application:
2025年2月20日 晚上11:59
20th February, 11:59pm


This activity is for non-Cantonese speaking students only.

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