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English Speaking Contest 2021

Contest Date: 3 March, 2021, 19:30 to 21:30

Theme: Self-love



Please press here for Online Application



Communication skills are important for delivering messages clearly and concisely. In view of this, the Centre for Language in Education (CLE) is organizing the "English Public Speaking Contest 2021" so as to bring out students’ creativity, improve their public speaking skills and English proficiency. As this is an activity under the Student Enrichment Scheme of the Centre, the Contest aims to nurture the students of the University by enhancing their public speaking skills and building their self-confidence as participating individuals.



The theme of the contest is Self-Love. Letters are the written medium by which the sender of the message speaks to the receiver. “Love you, Self” are the closing words of this letter. Using the same closing words, contestants will have to write a letter to express what they love about themselves. In this contest, participants will share the content of their letters with the International Tutors. Participants are required to make a 2-minute to 2-minute-and-thirty-second speech reflecting on what they love about themselves. Even though the letters are presented in a written format, participants will have to deliver their speech with good articulation, pronunciation, intonation and body language. The letters will have to be sent before the contest, and participants may consult the International Tutors for advice. The content of the speeches is up to each participant, but it must be related to the theme. The speech should be presented as a letter, hence it should start with the opening words “Dear Self,” and finish with the closing words “Love you, Self”.


    All students enrolled in full-time programme in The Education University of Hong Kong.





Application deadline

February 25, 2021

Students will be required to submit their online applications, together with the letter via email. Each student should clearly write his/her NAME, STUDENT NO. at the beginning of their email. The letter file format should be in jpeg or pdf. The Contest bears no responsibility for incompatible file format, which may affect the Panel’s decision. CLE reserves the full right to decline non-compliant entries.

Contest date

March 3, 2021


The Contest will be held on ZOOM.

There will only be one round of contest. 3 winners will be selected.



  1. Content: How relevant the speech is to the topic given
  2. Pronunciation: How well the speaker can enunciate and deliver the speech
  3. Poise: How appropriate the body language and the tone of the speaker is
  4. Length of Speech: Each speech should not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds


3 winners will be awarded with coupons and certificates

Each participant will have the possibility to publish their letter in the March issue of the IT Magazine.



For enquiries, please contact Daya, the International Tutor in charge of the contest, at diaba@eduhk.hk

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