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(852) 2948 6367
Dr Yan Zi
Professor Zi YAN is a RGC Senior Research Fellow, and the Head of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Education University of Hong Kong. He is also the Co-Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) and Associate Director of the Assessment Research Centre (ARC). His publications and research interests focus on two related areas, i.e., educational assessment in the school and higher education contexts with an emphasis on student self-assessment; and Rasch measurement, in particular its application in educational and psychological research. He is the author of Student self-assessment as a process for learning (Routledge, 2022) and Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (Routledge, 2020). He is the recipient of the President's Research Excellence Award (2021/22) and in Stanford University's list of the world's top 2% most-cited scientists (2020, 2021).
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8954
Dr LEUNG Ka Wai Marina
Senior Lecturer I, Associate Head of the Department
Dr Leung Ka-wai holds dual master degrees from the Chinese University of HK in the field of Educational Psychology and the University of HK for Social Science Studies in Family Therapy respectively. She also gained a Specialist degree at the University of Virginia which focused in the area of Special Education and completed her Doctor of Education in the Chinese University of HK with her research interest in Lewinian Topological Psychology and the identification process of autistic adolescents and their mothers. Her research interests are in the areas of differentiation of instruction for academically diverse learners including teacher attitudes and practices related to academic diversity, and the change process in schools moving toward more academically responsive classrooms.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8850
Dr NG Tsui San Teresa
Associate Head (Quality Assurance & Enhancement), Assistant Professor of Teaching
Dr Teresa Tsui San NG is an Assistant Professor of Teaching of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong and currently the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Creative Education Practitioners Organization (HKCEO). After graduated from the University of York (UK) in Psychology, she received her Ph.D. in Creativity Studies. She was appointed by the Department as the M.Ed. Coordinator of the specialization on “Curriculum and Innovative Teaching”. She has extensive experience in conducting academic research in the areas on Creativity Enhancement and Assessment, Creativity in Teacher Education, Creative Teaching Strategies in Diversified Classroom, and Drama-in-Education. Her teaching specialization lies on Creativity Studies and Classroom Management, and she was the recipient of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2012) and the Departmental Outstanding Teaching Performance Certificate of Recognition (2012-2016). In the past 12 years, she has endeavored to make valuable contributions in conducting scientific research on creativity and drama education, and in cultivating innovative teaching practices within the local, regional, and international areas.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 6387
Dr Yang Lan
Associate Professor
YANG Lan is Associate Professor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to this, she worked as post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education at HKIEd. She obtained her PhD from The University of Hong Kong in 2012. She was the recipient of the Global SELF (Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation) Research Network Highly Commended PhD Award (2013) based on her PhD research on a longitudinal intervention to enhance academic self-concept and academic achievement among Chinese students. Her research interests include self-concept, achievement emotions, student motivation, and positive youth development. Up to now, she has served as the Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI, and Co-I in a series of research projects on these important research topics, contributing to advances in theory and practice.
Research Interests:
Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin
Associate Professor
Dr Kevin Yung is an Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He is currently the Chairperson of the Departmental Research and Higher Degrees Committee. Kevin received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Hong Kong with a focus on senior secondary students’ second language selves in shadow education, i.e. private supplementary tutoring. Prior to joining the Education University of Hong Kong, he was a Lecturer at the Centre for Applied English Studies at the University of Hong Kong, where he was awarded an M.A. in Applied Linguistics with overall Distinction and taught English for academic and specific purposes.
Actively serving the community, Kevin has been involved in assessment work for various units of the HKSAR Government. He is a trainer for English language teachers in Hong Kong and Mainland China. He had also hosted a radio programme English in News at RTHK for six years. In research, Kevin is interested in the washback of shadow education and high-stakes assessment in the secondary school curriculum. He has recently completed an ECS project funded by the Research Grants Council exploring senior secondary school students’ agency in learning English in shadow education. He is currently leading a GRF project investigating underprivileged secondary students’ English learning motivation in fee-free supplementary tutoring.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7793
Dr BA Shen
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ba is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong (EDUHK). He obtained his Ph.D. in educational technology from Central China Normal University. During his doctoral studies, he worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. Before joining EDUHK, he held the position of a post-doctoral fellow and a part-time lecturer in the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong. His research lies in the interdisciplinary areas of education and information technology, with a focus on implementing learning analytics in online learning environments to facilitate developmental learning assessment and gain a deeper understanding of the fine-grained cognitive and emotional processes.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7580
Dr CHAN Kin Yee Kinnie
Senior Lecturer II
Dr Kinnie Chan received her Master’s Degree in Linguistics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated from James Cook University with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education cum laude. She also received the University Medal for Excellence in Doctoral Research and an Award for Doctoral Research in Education from Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE). Dr Chan was involved in teacher professional development and assessment research in English language learning in Hong Kong schools and in the teaching of English courses for academic purposes at different levels. She has a strong research interest in English writing assessment, second language acquisition and Many-facets Rasch measurement.
Research Interests:
Ms CHAN Ngok Cheng Terri
Senior Lecturer II
Ms Chan Ngok-Cheng is a Senior Lecturer II of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. She has obtained her Master of Education at the University of Hong Kong. She is currently pursuing her Doctor of Education at the University of Bristol. Her research interests are curriculum studies, teacher professional development and the development of teachers’ intercultural competence.
She has taught in Hong Kong Baptist University for 9 years before joining The Education University of Hong Kong. She has also worked as a teacher in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools for many years. She is experienced in teaching courses related to curriculum studies, practicum and providing practicum supervision. She has also provided a number of professional development workshops to school teachers and principals about curriculum development in schools.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7657
Professor CHENG May Hung May
Chair Professor
Vice President / Office of the Vice President (Academic)
Registrar / Registry
Professor May Cheng May Hung is currently Vice President of Office of the Vice President (Academic), Registrar and Chair Professor of Teacher Education of The Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to the current appointment, Professor Cheng was a Reader in Professional Education at the Department of Education, University of Oxford from 2010 to the end of 2011. Professor Cheng has started teacher education work at the Sir Robert College of Education in Hong Kong. She has been successful in obtaining various research grants from the General Research Fund, the Quality Education Fund and the Education Bureau.
Professor Cheng is, at present, the President of the East Asian Association for Science Education and has chartered status as a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology. She has been an International committee member of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching in the United States.
Research Interests:
Teacher professional development and learning
Practitioner research
Science education
(852) 2948 8951
Dr CHENG Wing Tung Michelle
Assistant Professor
Dr. Michelle Cheng is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Education University of Hong Kong. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong as a recipient of the HKU Postgraduate Fellowship. Prior to that, she earned her Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology, also from HKU, graduating with first-class honours.
As an academic, Michelle's research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of experiential learning in higher education. She is particularly interested in utilizing student housing and living-learning programs to promote holistic student development and well-being. Michelle was a recipient of the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme during her position as a postdoctoral fellow at EdUHK. Subsequently, she worked as a Research Assistant Professor at Lingnan University.
Michelle is also passionate about enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. She completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education) at EdUHK with distinction, following her doctoral studies. She is currently a Registered Teacher recognized by the Hong Kong Education Bureau. She recently completed the Service-Learning for Faculty in Asia 2024 program offered by the United Board to further enhance her professional skills.
Research Interests
(852) 2948 7227
Dr CHEUNG Ka Ching Kason
Assistant Professor
Dr Kason Cheung is an Assistant Professor of STEM Education at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD (DPhil) in Science Education at the University of Oxford and a MPhil degree with distinction at the University of Cambridge. He completed his PhD degree as an Oxford Clarendon Scholar and a Hong Kong Jockey Club Oxford Graduate Scholar. Previously, he has served as a tutor (Science Education) for MSc in Teaching and Learning at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Before pursuing his PhD degree, he undertook teaching training in Hong Kong and United Kingdom, and received his PGCE in chemistry with a distinction at Durham University. He taught across diverse secondary schools in both Hong Kong and England.
His research has been published in a range of journals in the areas of science communication, public health and science education. These journals include Studies in Science Education, Research in Science Education, Public Health, Transaction in GIS, Science and Education, Research in Science and Technological Education and International Journal of Science Education. He is currently serving as an editorial board member of Research in Science and Technological Education. He is also a peer reviewer for a range of journals in the fields of science communication, science education, research method and applied linguistics such as Public Understanding of Science, Research in Science Education, Field Methods, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Journal of Biological Education, Science and Education, Research in Science and Technological Education, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, and Asia-Pacific Educational Researcher.
Research interests:
(852) 2948 7449
Dr FONG Wai Tsz Ricci
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Dr Ricci Fong is an Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean of Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Education and Human Development. She received her PhD in Gifted Education from the University of Hong Kong. Before embarking on her academic career, she worked as an English teacher in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and had also received training as a mindfulness teacher. During her school teaching years, she received her MEd in Special Education from the University of Hong Kong. Her passion in teaching is recognised by her receipt of the Faculty Teaching Award (2020-2021).
Dr Fong plays an active leading role in promoting teaching innovation. Apart from giving professional development seminars on technology-enhanced pedagogy, she has led the development of various eLearning resources with the use of emerging technologies, e.g. AI chatbot, VR and AR, to enrich students' learning experiences in higher education and secondary education. More recently, her team has developed a series of scenario-based VR resources with AI chatbot embedded to enhance undergraduate and postgraduate students’ communication skills in the workplace. To leverage the affordances offered by the AI-enhanced VR resources, Dr Fong is leading a TDG project to build staff's and students' capacity in utilising AI-generated feedback for effective learning and teaching.
Besides her work on teaching innovation, her research interests centre on students' perfectionism in the Chinese context, affective development of gifted students, positive education, and the intersection of these three lines of inquiry. Her work has been presented in various key conferences in gifted education, including the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) and the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC); in refereed journals, such as Roeper Review, High Ability Studies, and Internet and Higher Education; as well as in edited books for Routledge and Springer.
Dr Fong has been serving the WCGTC and the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG) as an elected Hong Kong Delegate to facilitate knowledge transfer among members from 47 countries and regions. For the local community of practice, she has given professional development seminars for schools and professional bodies, such as the Hong Kong Psychological Society (HKPS) and the Gifted School Network; and has been working closely with the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) both in terms of research collaboration and knowledge transfer activities, including the delivery of seminars and workshops, for gifted students, parents, and practitioners in the professional community.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8277
Dr GUBE Jan Christian C
Assistant Professor
Jan Gube is Assistant Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong. He takes an interest in understanding and supporting how schools and civil society might leverage cultural differences in fostering equitable and caring learning environments. Jan’s research engages with issues of diversity, race and ethnicity, particularly how their interrelations shape curriculum and pedagogy. His recent work has appeared in journals such as Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Integrative Psychological Behavioral Science, Identities, Visual Studies, and Culture & Psychology. He co-edited Education, Ethnicity and Equity in the Multilingual Asian Context (Springer, 2019) and Identities, Practices and Education of Evolving Multicultural Families in Asia-Pacific (Routledge, 2022). Jan obtained a PhD from the University of Tasmania and later received the Outstanding Postgraduate Thesis Award by the International Education Association of Australia. In 2019, he received the International Travel Award from the International Relations Committee of American Educational Research Association.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7525
Dr HUANG Lingyun
Assistant Professor
Lingyun Huang (Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction of the Faculty of Education and Human Development at the Education University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. from McGill University (Learning Sciences), M.Ed. from Technical University Munich (Education), and B.A from Jiangxi Normal University (English Education). Before joining the Education University of Hong Kong in 2023, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, holding RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Award.
Dr. Huang’s research explores the potential of technology in education, including but not limited to designing intelligent technology-rich learning environments and assessing the effectiveness of such environments on teaching and learning. As a learning scientist, Dr. Huang is interested in adopting artificial intelligence computational techniques to examine learners’ cognition, metacognition, behavioral, and affective patterns hidden in learning trajectories. His research makes implications for improving the designs of environments, making them more intelligent, adaptive, and ergonomic for teachers and learners across disciplines to increase their productivity and performance.
Research interests:
(852) 2948 7909
Dr HUANG Xianhan
Associate Professor
Dr. Huang, an Associate Professor at The Education University of Hong Kong, holds a Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on teachers' agentic behaviors, specifically in teaching for creativity and informal learning. With publications in top international journals like Computers & Education and Teaching and Teacher Education, her work has made a significant impact on the field of teacher education. Dr. Huang investigates the motivations and mechanisms behind teachers' agentic behaviors, aiming to understand the factors that shape their practices and promote teachers' continuous professional development.
Research Interests:
Emeritus Professor (Education) and Advisor (Academic Development)
(852) 2948 8525
Emeritus Professor Kerry John KENNEDY
Emeritus Professor (Education)
Advisor (Academic Development) / C&I
Seinor Research Fellow / Centre for Governance and Citizenship
Kerry Kennedy is an Emeritus Professor (Education) and Advisor (Academic Development) in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Governance and Citizenship at The Education University of Hong Kong. He holds a concurrent appointment at the University of Johannesburg as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Curriculum Studies. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Curriculum Perspectives and Co-Editor of Educational Studies. He is the Series Editor of the Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia and the Asia-Europe Education Dialogue Series. He is Co-Editor of Springer’s Governance and Citizenship in Asia Series. He is a consultant to the Shaikh Khalifa Government Excellence Program in the United Arab Emirates, to the European Union’s Children’s Identities and Citizenship: Best Practice Guides Project and the South East Asian Ministers of Education Basic Education Standards Project. In 2012 he was the Co-Winner of the Richard Wolf Memorial Award for Educational Research.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7536
Dr KO Po Yuk
Professor (Practice)
Director / Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Ko Po Yuk is Professor (Practice) of Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) of the Education University of Hong Kong. The Centre is established with the mission to improve student learning by building professional relationships with Hong Kong schools and teachers. She has been leading the development of Learning Study (LS) in Hong Kong supporting professional development of and fostering community of practice amongst teachers over the past decade through a number of large scale funded projects. She has established a network conducting research on classroom teaching in both mainstream and special needs sectors with a number of overseas universities and international agencies in UK, Sweden, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, Taiwan and the Mainland.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 6392
Dr KONG Suet Yee Suria
Senior Lecturer II
Dr. Suria Kong (Ph.D.) is concurrently Senior Lecturer II of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education and Human Development at the Education University of Hong Kong and Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to the current appointments, she had served the Education Bureau for school-based curriculum development for 11 years and the Hong Kong Institute of Education for teacher education for another 6 years. Suria started her teaching career as a frontline teacher in both primary and secondary settings.
Dr. Kong is a versatile educator with diverse expertise ranging from health education, environmental education, STEM education, experiential learning to school leadership. Suria’s Ph.D. (HKU) research was on early adolescent health literacy and health promoting school while her M.Sc. (CUHK) research was for whole-school approach and implementation of health promoting school. She obtained her B.Sc. (HKU) in Environmental Science with the award of “Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Graduate, ILOP”. Suria is enthusiastic to share her broad experience in teacher coaching, innovative ideas in curriculum development and passion in promoting student health with the community.
Research Interests:
讲师 I
(852) 2948 6612
Dr LAM Lap Kwan Alex
Lecturer I
Dr. Alex LAM is a Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He received his Doctor of Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), focusing on e-learning pedagogies and foreign language teaching and learning. He also received his MA in English Language Teaching from CUHK. Dr. Lam taught at CUHK, worked as an e-Learning Coordinator at a distinguished local school, and was an English Language and Computer Studies teacher prior to the current appointment.
Dr. Lam’s passion for teaching has been recognised by numerous teaching awards, such as the e-Learning Awards from the University of Hong Kong and the Blended Learning Case Contest from the Jockey Club Blended Learning Project. He is currently a Registered Teacher recognised by the Hong Kong Education Bureau.
Dr. Lam plays an active role in promoting innovative pedagogical methods and curriculum development in local contexts. During his decade of front-line teaching, he successfully spearheaded the development of an acclaimed school-based curriculum at an outstanding local school. HKEdCity also conducted an interview with him to explore his teaching methods, which was published on EdPost. He is a frequent speaker at various international conferences, including the Learning and Teaching Expo in Hong Kong.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 6311
Professor LEE Chi Kin John
Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education
Co-Director (Research) of Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Professor John C. K. Lee, JP is the President and Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at EdUHK. Prior to joining EdUHK, Professor Lee was Dean of Education, Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of the Centre for University and School Partnership, and a Fellow of United College and Morningside College at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
Professor Lee participates actively in education and social services in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas. He served as a board member of Geography Teaching Research Association, Educational Association of China, and the China Association of Higher Education, respectively, in addition to holding numerous visiting/guest/adjunct professorships at universities overseas and in Mainland China. He is conferred the Changjiang Chair Professorship by the Ministry of Education in the Mainland China.
Professor Lee is Regional Editor (Asia-Pacific) of Educational Research and Evaluation and Executive Editor of Teachers and Teaching. He is also an editorial board member and an advisory editor of many local, regional and international journals. As a prolific writer, Professor Lee has edited and written more than 25 books and published over 100 journal articles and book chapters.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7049
Professor LIM Cher Ping
Co-Director, Global Institute for Emerging Technologies (GIET)
Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
LIM Cher Ping is a Chair Professor of Learning Technologies and Innovation at The Education University of Hong Kong and the Editor-in-Chief of The Internet and Higher Education. He was a Professor of Education, Director of International Partnerships and Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence for Teacher Education and Innovations in Western Australia before moving to Hong Kong in July 2010. Over the last two decades, he has engaged major education stakeholders at the national and international levels UNESCO, Asia Development Bank, Microsoft, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Sampoerna Foundation, and government agencies- as his research and development partners to take up the opportunities of digital technologies for the enhancement of education quality and equity.
Research Interests:
Research Chair Professor
(852) 2948 8492
Professor Looi Chee Kit
Research Chair Professor
Professor Looi is a Fellow of the International Society of Learning Sciences, and a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. During his stint at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, he was the founding Head of the Learning Sciences Lab, the first research centre devoted to the study of the sciences of learning in the Asia-Pacific region. He served as the President of the Global Chinese Society of Computers in Education from 2017 to 2019.
Professor Looi received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh, UK. He has published more than 120 international journal papers, about 50 books or book chapters, and 160 refereed international conference papers. Professor Looi has given more than 90 keynotes, plenary, and invited talks at international conferences and institutions. His research has been translated into high impact on educational practices. His work on rapid collaborative learning was cited in the 2010 US National Educational Technology Plan as a key example of technology-enabled innovation of significant practical impact.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7852
Dr MENDOZA Norman Biliwang
Assistant Professor
Norman Mendoza earned his PhD in Educational Psychology and Assessment at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction of the Education University of Hong Kong.
His research is focused on the psychosocial mechanisms that influence students’ self-directed learning practices and the adaptive school outcomes such practices predict. To this end, he integrates psychological and educational theories in conceptualising quantitative studies and designing interventions for students and pre-/in-service teachers.
He is also the co-founder of a non-profit youth organization in the Philippines (i.e., LifeRisksPH) which is registered in the country's National Youth Commission. The organization is focused on youth well-being and mental health. He is also engaged in research surrounding well-being across populations.
Research interests:
(852) 2948 6235
Dr NG Cheuk Wing Margaret
Senior Lecturer II
Dr NG Cheuk Wing, Margaret received her Doctor of Education degree from the University of Bristol, U.K., following the completion of Master of Education (with Honours) from the University of Western Australia, and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from the University of Alberta, Canada. She obtained her teaching qualification from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr NG is currently a Senior Lecturer II in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Before joining the Department, she worked as the Assistant Project Manager (Curriculum Development) of the ‘Centre for Research in Interdisciplinary and Liberal Studies’ at the HKIEd. Dr NG is actively involved in school-based management that she has been a school manager of seven primary and secondary schools and a member of the Primary, Secondary and Continuing Education Committee of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong since July 2006.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8783
Dr NG Sau Wah Sarah
Senior Lecturer II
Dr Sarah NG is currently a Senior Lecturer II at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. She is an educator and historian of visual arts specializing in Chinese painting, calligraphy and ink rubbings. Prior to her current appointment, she worked as the curator at The University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong. With over a decade of work experience in the museum industry, she has curated numerous art exhibitions ranging from historic to contemporary art, and worked in various prestigious museums including the British Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Archaeological Museum in Volos, Greece, etc.
Dr Ng received her DPhil in Art History from the University of Oxford, MA in Art Conservation from University College London (UCL), and MPhil in History of Chinese Art from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She has been lecturing at local universities since 2013.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8323
Dr PEI Leisi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Pei is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong (EDUHK). She obtained her Ph.D. in neuroscience for education from The University of Hong Kong. Before joining EDUHK, she held the position of a post-doctoral research fellow in the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests lie in the areas of educational neuroscience and technology-enhanced learning, with focuses on leveraging interdisciplinary methods to understand learning mechanisms at both behavioral and neural levels and bridging the gap between educational research and practice through technological innovation.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7703
Professor TSUI Kwok Tung
Professor (Practice)
Prof TSUI Kwok Tung is currently a Professor (Practice) of Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. He has intensive experience in teacher education, consultancy and training in local and internal contexts. He had been appointed by the World Bank as International Consultant for nation-wide projects in Vietnam in 2000 and 2008. Recently Prof Tsui finished several consultancy work for the UNESCO Bangkok in 2014 and 2015. Locally over the last decade he has been commissioned by the Education Bureau for leading an expert team to train local primary school curriculum leaders. Over the past two decades Prof Tsui has been actively engaged in teacher education and profession community and was appointed by the Education Bureau to sit on various work groups, advisory groups and committees in different capacities.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8696
Dr WAN Zhihong
Associate Professor
WAN Zhihong is an Associate Professor at The Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wan obtained his PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong. Before starting his research in science education, he had taught middle school science for 5 years. Cultivating STEM talent is a long-standing research interest of Dr. Wan with an emphasis on interdisciplinary STEM learning. Extensive topics about STEM education have been investigated in his projects, including the relationship between STEM learning and STEM career aspiration, the impacts of designed-based STEM learning, understanding the integration in STEM, and cultivating students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) through STEM robotics. Recently, he is conducting a PPR (Public Policy Research) project to investigate STEM majors’ intention to work in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. A series of STEM robotics textbooks have been published. He is the EES (Education for Environmental Studies) theme coordinator of the CEES (Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability). He once served as the Secretary of East-Asian Association for Science Education and is now serving as the Chair of the sub-committee of STEM Education &Thinking of the Association of Teaching for Thinking. His research works have been widely published in top international journals, including Computer & Education, Science Education, Studies in Science Education, International Journal of Science Education, Thinking Skills & Creativity, and etc.
Research interests:
Design-based STEM learning
STEM creativity
Attitude towards STEM
STEM career aspiration
STEM robotics for students with ADHD
Nature of Science
Critical thinking
(852) 2948 8176
Dr Xiaojing WENG
Research Assistant Professor
Dr. Xiaojing WENG currently holds the position of Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. She has earned a PhD degree in Education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science in Educational Technology from The University of Hong Kong, and a TESOL certificate from Trinity College London. Prior to her role at EduHK, she served as a Post-doctoral Fellow at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Xiaojing's research pursuits are centered around technology-enhanced teaching and learning, instructional design, and the cultivation of 21st-century skills. With a keen interest in leveraging technology to enhance education, she is dedicated to exploring innovative teaching methods, such as digital making, that align with the demands of the modern era. Her academic journey has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between technology, instruction, and student development.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 6501
Dr XU Hui Xuan
Assistant Professor, Associate Head of the Department
Dr XU Hui Xuan is an Assistant Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She has worked in the field of service-learning recently and her research includes adolescent identity formation through service-learning, emerging adult’s competence enhancement in service-learning, intercultural competence development in international service-learning, quality elements in service-learning programmes, etc. In addition, Xu situates her previous studies in the domain of general education in higher education. She has particularly focused on pedagogy issues in general education.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8212
Dr YIP Tak Ping Terry
Senior Lecturer II
Dr Terry YIP is a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and holds a PhD in Classical Chinese from the Beijing Normal University. He is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP).
Before joining Education University of Hong Kong, Dr Yip taught at Chinese University of Hong Kong for 10 years. Besides teaching, he serves as a director of two charities in Hong Kong and writes for several newspapers. In recent years, he published more than 20 books, one of which received a Publication Award in Language Learning at the 2nd Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards. His publication covers the areas of Chinese literature, Chinese history, religious studies, intangible cultural heritage and museum studies. He has also successfully launched more than 10 research and development projects with external competitive research grants in the capacity of Principal Investigator.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 7541
Dr YUN Pui Ho Patrick
Senior Lecturer I
Dr Patrick Yun is a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. He obtained his MBA at the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom, and his MA and MSc in Information Systems and IT in Education at the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. Patrick received the Outstanding Academic Performance Award for his PGDE (PVE) studies at The Education University of Hong Kong and later received a scholarship and obtained his PhD in Social Sciences (Education) at the Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.
Patrick has been teaching in different higher education institutions in Hong Kong and in the United Kingdom and he has been awarded several teaching performance prizes to acknowledge his continuous efforts in pursuing teaching excellence and educational leadership. Patrick has broad teaching and training interests and experience and he has been teaching different levels of higher and vocational education programmes and courses which include Information Systems and e-Learning, Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Business Economics, Accounting and Finance, Sociology, and Professional and Vocational Education.
Patrick has also instructed and supervised different leadership training and capacity building programmes in various local voluntary organisations and education institutions, and broadcasted in radio. He was also a school manager in the school management board of a local primary school in Hong Kong.
Research interests:
(852) 2948 8252
Dr ZHAN Ying
Associate Professor
Zhan Ying is associate professor at The Education University of Hong Kong. She obtained her PhD from The University of Hong Kong. She has more than five-year teaching experience at tertiary level and obtained a number of teaching awards such as distinguished young teacher, best supervisor of undergraduates, and teaching excellence.
Research interests:
(852) 2948 8327
Dr ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen
Assistant Professor of Teaching
ZHANG Yuefeng is currently an Assistant Professor of Teaching of Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the Education University of Hong Kong, Vice President of Hong Kong Society of Small Class Teaching, and a Council member of The World Association of Lesson Study. Her main research interests and publications focus on effective learning and teaching, teacher professional development and school leadership. She has led many school-support projects which aimed to enhance teaching and learning, promote teacher professional development and develop schools, such as Learning Study projects, learning circles of cooperative learning, and professional learning communities of teachers. She has conducted workshops on effective teaching and learning to principals and teachers in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Austria.
Research Interests:
(852) 2948 8529
Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou
Associate Professor
Dr. Zhao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong. She received a bachelor’s degree from Beijing Normal University and a PhD from the University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the Education University of Hong Kong in 2008, she taught at the School of Education, Beijing Normal University.
She has won research grants from the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the UNICEF, and the General Research Fund (GRF) of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. She is currently a co-investigator in a most recent research project funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Policy and Innovation Coordination Office (PICO), Working in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Hong Kong Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Undergraduates’ Intention and Concerns.
She currently serves as an editor of Cogent Education, and also on the editorial boards of Gender and Education and Chinese Education and Society. In December 2021, she was invited to join the International Advisory Board of the British Journal of Religious Education.
(852) 2948 7529
Dr Jinxin ZHU
Assistant Professor
Dr Jinxin ZHU is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He received a bachelor’s degree from Beijing Normal University majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and a Ph.D. from EdUHK majoring in Educational and Psychological Measurement. Before re-joining EdUHK as an Assistant Professor, he worked as a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, a manager at the Assessment Technology & Research Division in the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, a post-doctoral fellow at Assessment Research Centre at EdUHK, and a mathematics teacher at Fuyong Secondary School in Shenzhen, Guangdong, Mainland China.
His research focuses on digital assessment and learning, aiming to reduce teachers’ workload with digital tools allowing them to have more time and energy to help students to take an active role in the assessment and feedback process and become self-directed learners and thereby lifelong learners. Meanwhile, he applies rigorous data analytic methods (e.g., structural equation modeling, Rasch model, and multilevel modeling) to educational studies.
Dr. Zhu is accepting applications for Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD; self-financed & Fellowship Scheme), and RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (研资局博士后奖学金计划). Please refer to more information about Dr. Zhu via his EdUHK website or online CV, before contacting him.
Research Interests:
Dr KONG Ho Man Raymond
Advisor for MA(LELA)
江浩民现为香港教育大学(教大)课程与教学系体验式学习活动领导文学硕士课程顾问。近年教研兴趣为价值观教育的创新课题及校本实践,例如资讯及媒体素养、生涯规划教育、文化保育、宗教及心灵教育等。他曾任教大课程与教学系讲师兼文学硕士(体验式学习活动领导)课程主任、教大宗教教育与心灵教育中心经理兼教师专业进修课程(香港生命教育)课程主任、赛马会「鼓掌.创你程」项目专业发展课程领导等岗位,主理数十个生命及价值教育专项,曾领导团队支援逾1/3 本港中小幼特学校的生命教育课程发展及校本实践;他同时有不少媒体报导和学术著作。有关工作详见:https://sites.google.com/view/raymondkong?usp=sharing。
(852) 2948 8518
Dr CAO Yuan
Post-doctoral Fellow
(852) 2948 6603
Dr YEH Fang Yin
Post-doctoral Fellow
YEH Fang-Yin obtained her Bachelor's degree from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Kansas, and a PhD in English Language Education at the University of Hong Kong.
Her research interest, rooted in her PhD work, focuses on the English language policy and curriculum development in East Asian formal schooling. Postdoctoral research focuses on the professional development of early career teachers.
Research interest:
(852) 2948 7279
(852) 2948 8206
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(852) 2948 7527
Dr CHAN Kam Wing Paul
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr CHENG Chi Keung Eric
Adjunct Associate Professor
Professor David CONIAM
Adjunct Professor
Dr FOK Ping Kwan
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Professor LAM Bick Har
Adjunct Professor
(852) 2948 7540
Dr. LAM Tak Shing John
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Professor LAW Hau Fai Edmond
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Dr LO Tin Yau Joe
Honorary Professor
Prof Gavin BROWN
Honorary Associate Professor
Prof Peter FALVEY
PhD Student
PhD Student
Ms FRONDOZO Cherry Eron
PhD Student
Cherry Frondozo is a Ph.D. student from the Philippines. She obtained her Masters degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from University of Trento in Italy, and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. Prior to being a Ph.D. student, she worked as a research assistant in EdUHK and was a research coordinator for a graduate school in the Philippines. She has nine years cumulative research experience working in psychology research labs and engaging in research consultancy work. Her research interests include the emotional regulation of academic emotions, and its impact on engagement and learning outcomes.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms GU Jiahe
PhD student
Ms GU Jiahe is a PhD student at C&I. She obtained her MA degree from University College London and her BA degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Jiahe GU is deeply passionate about exploring the role of formative assessment in enhancing student learning in English language classrooms. Beyond her academic pursuits, she loves reading, travelling, and watching movies.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms HUANG Yanjun
PhD student
Ms HUANG Yanjun is a PhD student from Mainland China. She obtained her master’s degree from the Education University of Hong Kong and her bachelor's degree from Guangxi Normal University. She was a teacher in middle school for four years before. Her current research interest is life planning and career development, specifically career adaptability.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms LUO Wenyun
PhD student
Ms LUO Wenyun received her Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics with distinction from a recognised university in Mainland China. For her Ph.D. studies, she focuses on feedback literacy in L2 writing, as well as computer-assisted language learning and teaching. Apart from her academic life, Luo enjoys various campus walks and city walks.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms NGUYEN Ngoc Ninh
PhD Student
Ninh Nguyen is a PhD student at the Faculty of Education and Human Development. She received her BA from Vietnam National University in Vietnam, and her MA from La Trobe University in Australia. Before being part of EdUHK, Ninh has worked as a lecturer of Translation and Interpretation at Vietnam National University and an education consultant for the World Bank Group in Vietnam. Her work experience involves training young would-be translators, professional development for EFL teachers, and policy advice in higher education. Ninh's current research project focuses on quality of higher education. In her non-academic life, Ninh loves art and craft, enjoys reading and swimming.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms QIN Lijie
PhD student
Ms QIN Lijie achieved her master’s degree in the Education University of Hong Kong with a Dean’s Honor. With over two years of experience as a research assistant, she has honed her skills in academic research. Her time as an English teacher ignited her passion for education. Currently, she is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy and is dedicated to investigating the efficacy of feedback in teaching and learning, striving to improve feedback outcomes through innovative practices. She is eager to engage in learning and collaborating with fellow scholars. Beyond academia, she also finds joy in photography and playing badminton.
Research Interest
EdD student
PhD Student
Ms SHI Yaqing
PhD student
SHI Yaqing is a PHD student of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Yaqing obtained her Master’s degree in University College London (UCL), majoring in Comparative Education, and her research focus was about the comparative analysis of internationalization of higher education. Prior to studying on the doctoral programme in the area of shadow education in EdUHK, she was an IELTS teacher in the New Oriental Company and also had internship teaching experience in foreign language schools.
Research interest:
EdD student
PhD Student
Ms WANG Jianing
PhD student
Ms WANG Jianing is a PhD student of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Jianing obtained her Master’s degree in Education from University College London (UCL), UK, and her BA in Translation and Interpretation from Dalian University in Mainland China. Her current research interests include shadow education and spiritual awakening.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms WANG Jiaxin
PhD student
Ms WANG Jiaxin is a PhD student in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Jiaxin received her Master’s degree specialising in comparative education from South China Normal University.
Research Interest
PhD Student
PhD student
Ms WEI Yu is a Ph.D. Candidate in C&I. She received her BA in English at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication and her MSc in TESOL at The University of Edinburgh. Before entering EdUHK, Yu worked as a lecturer in English in a mainland China university for eight years. Her teaching experience inspired her to explore university students’ English learning in out-of-class contexts. Outside of research, Yu loves music, food, movies, and detective stories.
Research Interest
PhD Student
Ms XIONG Yuhan
PhD student
Xiong Yuhan is a Ph.D. student under the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in 2021. Yuhan got her Master’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in the USA, majored in Educational Leadership. She also received a dual tile Master's degree in Comparative and International Studies from PSU. Currently, her research interests are higher education, educational technology, and educational assessment.
Research interest:
EdD Student
PhD Student
EdD student
PhD Student
EdD Student
Ms ZOU Fengmei
EdD Student
Zou Fengmei is an EdD student at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She completed her Master’s degree with specialization in Educational Studies from the Education University of Hong Kong. Previously, she was engaged in a research project related to teachers’ knowledge and practices on Self-regulated Learning in Mainland China. In her doctoral program, she is focusing on studying about Self-regulated Learning and its application in primary schools.
Research Interest:
(852) 2948 7818
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