
Research Expertise

Research Expertise

Building on the expertise of our innovative researchers and our strong links with the education community, the Department actively and continuously engages in visible research, with our primary focuses on pedagogical innovation, assessment, teacher development, knowledge management and curriculum reform.

Staff Research Areas
Dr BA Shen

Dr BA Shen

Online collaborative inquiry
Developmental assessment
Learning analytics
Quantitative ethnography
AI in education

Dr CHAN Kin Yee Kinnie

Dr CHAN Kin Yee Kinnie

Language assessment
Second language acquisition
English for academic and specific purposes
Many-facets Rasch measurement

Ms CHAN Ngok Cheng Terri

Ms CHAN Ngok Cheng Terri

Teacher professional development
Teachers’ intercultural competence
Multicultural Education
The application of Montessori approach
Curriculum studies

Professor CHENG May Hung May

Professor CHENG May Hung May

Teacher professional development and learning
The motivation of teaching among pre-service teachers
The relationship between professional competence and learning
Factors influencing professional learning among pre-service teachers

Practitioner research
Professional development and learning among in-service teachers

Science education
Facilitating inquiry learning among secondary students
Professional development and learning among teachers of science

Dr CHENG Wing Tung Michelle

Dr CHENG Wing Tung Michelle

University Residential Education / Living-Learning Program
Wellbeing and Holistic Development
Experiential Learning (design/ implementation/ evaluation)
Higher Education policy, management, and practice

Dr CHEUNG Ka Ching Kason

Dr CHEUNG Ka Ching Kason

Language and literacy in science education (multimodality, reading and writing, translanguaging)
Epistemology of STEAM (nature of science, nature of AI)
Use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in science education
Science Communication in K-12 setting and public education (misinformation and framing)
Future thinking in K-12 education

Dr FONG Wai Tsz Ricci

Dr FONG Wai Tsz Ricci

Perfectionism among Chinese Students
Affective Development of Gifted and Talented Students
Positive Education

Dr HUANG Lingyun

Dr HUANG Lingyun

Designs of technology-rich environments
Technology-enabled teacher professional development
Self-regulated learning
Learning emotions
Learning Analytics

Dr HUANG Xianhan Yvonne

Dr HUANG Xianhan Yvonne

Informal teacher learning
Teaching for creativity
Job crafting
Teacher self-efficacy
Chinese education

Professor Kerry John KENNEDY

Professor Kerry John KENNEDY

Curriculum policy
Curriculum theory
Citizenship education
Assessment and its cultural contexts

Professor KO Po Yuk

Professor KO Po Yuk

Learning Study
Classroom research
Teacher professional development
Chinese Language education

Dr KONG Suet Yee Suria

Dr KONG Suet Yee Suria

Health Education and Health Promotion
Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design
STEM Education
Environmental Education

Dr LAM Lap Kwan Alex

Dr LAM Lap Kwan Alex

e-Learning Pedagogies
Blended Learning Methods
Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Foreign Language Learning
Emotion Research
Perceptions – Group Repertory Grid
Positive Psychology

Professor LEE Chi Kin John

Professor LEE Chi Kin John

Curriculum and instruction
Educational development
Geographical and environmental education
School improvement
Teacher education

Dr LEUNG Ka Wai Marina

Dr LEUNG Ka Wai Marina

Teachers’ roles and problem-solving in inclusive classrooms
Strategic instruction for teaching diverse groups of learners
Comprehensive interventions for children and families with multiple risks
Lewin’s topology theory

Professor LIM Cher Ping

Professor LIM Cher Ping

Information and Communication Technologies  in Education
Games and Learning
Academically At-Risk Students
Education Innovation and its Sustainability and Scalability in Education Ecological Systems
Reflective Practices among Educators and Policymakers
Empowerment of Educators to Transform  Existing Practices and Change Conditions

Prof LOOI Chee Kit

Prof LOOI Chee Kit

Learning Sciences
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Mobile Learning
AI in Education
Computational Thinking

Dr MENDOZA Norman Biliwang

Dr MENDOZA Norman Biliwang

Self-assessment practices
Autonomous and controlled motivation
Student engagement, achievement goal, and social goals

Dr NG Cheuk Wing Margaret

Dr NG Cheuk Wing Margaret

School-Based Curriculum Development, Implementation and Evaluation
School-Based Assessment
Action Learning
Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development
Inquiry-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning

Dr NG Sau Wah Sarah

Dr NG Sau Wah Sarah

Cultural Heritage Conservation and Interpretation
Chinese Visual Culture: Calligraphy, Paintings and Ink Rubbings
Museum Studies and Exhibition Curation
Collecting and Connoisseurship
Art Conservation and Workshop Practices

Dr NG Tsui San Teresa

Dr NG Tsui San Teresa

Creativity Enhancement and Assessment
Creativity in Teacher Education
Teaching Strategies in Diversified Classroom

Dr PEI Leisi

Dr PEI Leisi

Learning sciences
Educational neuroscience
Mathematics education
Handwriting acquisition
Technology-enhanced learning

Professor TSUI Kwok Tung

Professor TSUI Kwok Tung

Curriculum leadership
Curriculum reform and innovation
Teacher leadership and teacher effectiveness
Teacher professional development

Dr WAN Zhihong

Dr WAN Zhihong

Epistemological views
High-order thinking
Teacher professional development

Dr WENG Xiaojing

Dr WENG Xiaojing

Technology-enhanced teaching and learning
Instructional design
Digital making
21st-century skills

Dr XU Hui Xuan

Dr XU Hui Xuan

Academic Service-Learning
Adolescent personal development in service-learning
Quality service-learning programmes
General education in higher education
Curriculum design

Professor YAN Zi

Professor YAN Zi

Formative assessment
Rasch measurement
The application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in educational contexts
Scale and test development



Achievement emotions
Learning and motivation
Positive youth development
Educational interventions

Dr Yip Tak Ping

Dr Yip Tak Ping

Intangible cultural heritage
Heritage education
Museum studies
Folklore religion
Chinese culture (especially Song Dynasty culture and Hong Kong culture)
Chinese literature and history

Dr YUN Pui Ho Patrick

Dr YUN Pui Ho Patrick

Outcomes and Benefits of Learning
Disadvantaged Learners and Informal Education
e-Learning and Curriculum Design and Implementation
Professional and Vocational Education
Youth Leadership and Capacity Building

Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin

Dr YUNG Wai Ho Kevin

Shadow education
Language assessment
Comparative education
Learner autonomy and motivation
English for academic and specific purposes
Transition between secondary and tertiary education

Dr GUBE Jan Christian C

Dr GUBE Jan Christian C

Diversity in education
Cultural and ethnic identities
Race, ethnicity and learning
Dialogical self and sociocultural theories

Dr ZHAN Ying

Dr ZHAN Ying

Teacher professional development
Possible self and identity

Dr ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen

Dr ZHANG Yuefeng Ellen

Effective learning and teaching
Positive classroom management
Teacher professional development
Lesson Study and Learning Study
Leadership for learning in schools

Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou

Dr ZHAO Zhenzhou

Citizenship and diversity in the curriculum
Gender studies
Sociology of education

Dr ZHU Jinxin

Dr ZHU Jinxin

Digital Assessment and Learning
Data Analytics in Education
Mathematics/STEM Education
Self-regulated Learning
Civic Education
Special Education