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Dr Kevin Yung Interviewed by Sing Tao Daily to Discuss Trends and Challenges of Hong Kong’s Shadow Education


Dr Kevin Yung, Associate Professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong, shared insights on trends and challenges of Hong Kong’s shadow education (i.e., private supplementary tutoring) through an interview by Sing Tao Daily. Previously a “celebrity” tutor of English at a major tutorial company in Hong Kong, Dr Yung has transitioned to academia, where he conducts extensive research into the ecosystem of Hong Kong’s shadow education. Dr Yung’s research findings disclose a growing preference among parents and students for smaller tutoring centres over larger ones. This can be attributed to a decline in the student population and parents’ and students’ dissatisfaction with the bland uniformity of teaching strategies and standardised materials of those so-called cram schools. Reflecting on his tutoring experience, Dr Yung underscored the tension between the commercial goals of tutorial companies and the education ideals of learner-centred approaches. He pointed out that while tutoring often involves “spoon-feeding” and rote learning for quick results, meaningful and profound education emphasises hands-on and exploratory learning with a demand for learning autonomy. Furthermore, Dr Yung discussed the potential and limitations of AI and online tutoring and their influence on tutoring centres. He addressed that although AI-powered technology introduces new educational possibilities, it can hardly replace the personalised instructions provided by human tutors, at least at the current stage. Dr Yung also predicts a challenging time for large-scale tutorial companies in Hong Kong in the near future.

More can be found in the article: https://www.stheadline.com/edu-news/3344893/大型補習社面臨寒冬-前英文名師學生嫌考試技巧太統一-近年偏好中小型補習社?utm_source=sthwebshare&utm_medium=referral