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Dr Kevin Yung visited the University of Potsdam in Germany to establish international research collaboration


Funded by the Faulty of Education and Human Development’s Targeted Research Exchange Scheme, Dr. Kevin Yung visited his collaborative research partner Prof. Dr. Steve R. Entrich at the University of Potsdam in Germany in December 2022. Dr Yung and Dr Entrich share research interests in shadow education, educational inequality and comparative education. The visit offered an opportunity for Dr Yung to understand and familiarise with the educational atmospheres, learning cultures, school systems and tutoring industries in Germany; and to engage in the field to develop a more contextualised view for conceptualisation of shadow education and for the comparative analysis of existing data between Hong Kong and Germany.

During the visit at the University of Potsdam, Dr. Kevin Yung offered a consultation session on qualitative research in shadow education and engaged in dialogue with staff and research students. A workshop titled “Methodological issues in qualitative research” was conducted at the University of Potsdam in collaboration with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong in the hybrid mode. Staff and students at both universities engaged in dialogue online after Dr Yung’s presentation. Further research collaboration is expected between the two universities, including co-editing special issues about shadow education and conducting cross-country comparative studies.