Page 62 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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  Ms Sylvia CHAN May-kuen 陳美娟女士
Ms Sylvia Chan is the Principal of Ma On Shan Ling Liang Primary School. She is a Member of several social organisations and Government departments, including the Commission on Poverty, World Wide Fund for Nature (HK), Hong Kong St. John Ambulance, Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals, District Co-ordinating Committee on Family and Child Welfare Service (Shatin), and Environmental Campaign Committee. Ms Chan was awarded the Chief Executive’s Commendation for Community Service and the Award of Excellent Educational Administration in 2013.
陳美娟女士現為馬鞍山靈糧小學校長及多個社會機構及政府部門成員,包括:扶貧委員會、世界自然基金會、香港 聖約翰救護機構、教師及校長專業發展委員會、沙田區家庭及兒童福利服務協調委員會,以及環境保護運動委員會 等。陳女士於二零一三年獲頒行政長官社區服務獎狀及卓越教育行政人員獎。
Mrs Viola CHAN-MAN Yee-wai 陳文綺慧女士, BBS
Mrs Viola Chan is an Executive Director of PuraPharm Corporation Ltd., a listed company on the Main Board of HK Stock Exchange specializing in the internationalization and modernization of Chinese medicine. Mrs Chan was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (2012-2013), and was the Founding Chairman of the Board of Governors and College Council of Tung Wah College, and is currently the Council Chairman of Tung Wah College. Mrs Chan is a Member of the Betting and Lotteries Commission. She is a Member of The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Sichuan Province. Mrs Chan was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR in 2013.
陳文綺慧女士為培力控股有限公司的執行董事。培力於香港聯合交易所主板上市,致力於中醫藥的國際化及現代 化。陳女士於二零一二年至二零一三年度擔任東華三院主席,亦為東華學院創校校董會主席及創校校務委員會主 席,目前為東華學院的校務委員會主席。陳女士為博彩及獎券事務委員會成員及中國人民政治協商會議四川省委員 會委員。陳女士於二零一三年獲香港特別行政區行政長官頒授銅紫荊星章。
Dr Anissa CHAN WONG Lai-kuen 陳黃麗娟博士, BBS, MH, JP
Dr Anissa Chan was the Principal of St. Paul’s Co-educational College and the Supervisor of
St. Paul’s Co-educational College Primary School (2004-2017). Apart from many other public services, Dr Chan is currently Chairman of the Hong Kong Principals’ Institute, Member of the Court of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Member of the Sub-committee
on Teachers’ Professional Development (SCTPD) under Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP), Member of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education (Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Member of Presidential Advisory Group of the University and Scholar-Practitioner Fellow of Asia Paci c Centre for Leadership
and Change (APCLC), Honorary Fellow of the University, Member of the Board of Governors of Centennial College, The University of Hong Kong and Member of the ICAC Complaints Committee.
陳黃麗娟博士曾任聖保羅男女中學校長兼聖保羅男女中學附屬小學校監(2004-2017)。陳校長現為香港校長中心 主席、香港科技大學顧問委員會委員、教師及校長專業發展委員會 (COTAP) 下轄的教師專業發展小組委員會成員 (SCTPD)、香港中文大學教育學院教師培訓諮詢委員會成員、本校校長諮詢小組成員、亞太領導與變革研究中心教 育領導學人(APCLC),本校榮譽院士, 香港大學明德學院校董會成員及廉政公署事宜投訴委員會成員。
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The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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