Page 61 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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Governance Report
   Ms Susanna CHIU Lai-kuen 趙麗娟女士, MH, JP Treasurer of the Council 校董會司庫
 Ms Susanna Chiu has more than 25 years of professional experience in accounting, business management and operations. She is a Director of Li & Fung Development (China) Limited, and was the President of The Hong Kong Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants in 2013. Ms Chiu was awarded the Medal of Honor by Hong Kong SAR in 2013 for her achievement and dedicated public services especially her contribution to the accounting profession. She was also awarded one of the ten nationwide “Chinese Women of Achievement” Award in the UK in 1991, the “Outstanding Women Professionals” Award in 2014, and “Distinguished Alumni” Award from Shef eld University and was also awarded “2017 Outstanding Business Woman” by Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 2017. In 2017, Ms Chiu was awarded “Justice of Peace” by the Hong Kong SAR for the contribution to the Hong Kong community. Ms Chiu is a Member of a number of public bodies, including the Women’s Commission, Energy Advisory Committee, and formerly the Equal Opportunities Commission.
趙麗娟女士於會計、商業管理及運作方面擁有逾二十五年專業經驗,現為利豐發展(中國)有限公司董事,曾於二零 一三年出任香港會計師公會會長。二零一三年,趙女士獲香港特別行政區政府頒授榮譽勳章,嘉許其傑出成就及對 公共服務的熱誠,尤其對會計專業的貢獻。她亦曾於一九九一年名列英國全國十大「傑出華裔女性」之一,並於二零 一四年獲頒「傑出專業女性」大獎,並榮獲英國雪菲爾大學頒發「傑出校友」殊榮。二零一七年值香港特別行政區成 立二十週年之際,趙女士獲香港特區政府頒授太平紳士。趙女士獲《香港商報》頒發「2017傑出商界女領袖」獎。趙 女士亦為婦女委員會、能源諮詢委員會等多個公共機構的成員。
Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin 陳智軒教授
Professor Chetwyn Chan is Associate Vice-President (Learning and Teaching) and Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also Director of the University Research Facility in Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience. He is psychologist and occupational therapist by profession. He specializes in cognitive neuroscience studying how attention, working memory and frontal lobe functions can be augmented in older individuals and diagnostic groups such as post-stroke and mild cognitive impairment patients. Professor Chan is Elected Fellow of American Psychological Association, Fellow of Hong Kong Psychological Society, and Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation. Recently, he has been appointed as Member of Quality Assurance Council of University Grants Committee.
陳智軒教授現為香港理工大學協理副校長(學與教)及康復治療科學系講座教授。陳教授亦為香港理工大學神經 科學中心實驗室總監。其專業為心理學及職業治療,專門研究認知神經科學,探討如何增加長者、中風或輕微認知 障礙患者的專注力、工作記憶及前額葉功能。陳教授亦為美國心理學會院士、香港心理學會院士、香港復康會副主 席。最近,陳教授獲委任為大學教育資助委員會的質素保證局委員。
   香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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