Page 63 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 63
Governance Report
   Dr Haywood CHEUNG 張德熙博士
 Dr Haywood Cheung is the Chairman of Target Insurance (Holdings) Limited and the Chairman of Marshall-Karson Construction & Engineers Limited. He is also the President of The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society, President of New Territories General Chamber of Commerce, an Advisor of Heung Yee Kuk New Territories, a Director of China Overseas Friendship Association, the Permanent President of Hong Kong Precious Metals Traders Association Limited, and an Honorary Advisor of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital.
張德熙博士為泰加保險(控股)有限公司主席及馬素加信建築工程有限公司主席,亦為金銀業貿易場理事長、新界 總商會會長、新界鄉議局顧問、中華海外聯誼會理事、香港貴金屬同業協會永遠會長,以及博愛醫院董事局名譽顧 問。
Dr CHIU Cheung-ki 招祥麒博士
Dr Chiu Cheung-ki is the Principal of Chan Shu Kui Memorial School, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council and the Chairman of The Association for the Promotion of Proper Cantonese Pronunciation. He is also a Consultant Member of the Department of Chinese of Lingnan University, a Member of the Management Committee of Centre for University & School Partnership of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Council Member of The Dr Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies at Fudan University,
a Member of the Advisory Committee on the Education Development Fund and the Grantham Scholarships Fund Committee of Home Affairs Bureau.
招祥麒博士現為陳樹渠紀念中學校長、香港直接資助學校議會主席、粵語正音推廣協會主席、香港嶺南大學中文系 顧問委員、香港中文大學學校夥伴協作中心管委會成員、上海復旦大學陳樹渠比較政治發展研究中心理事會成員、 教育局教育發展基金諮詢委員會委員,以及民政事務局葛量洪獎學基金委員會成員等。
Mr Tony CHOI Siu-chow 蔡少洲先生, JP
Mr Tony Choi is an Executive Director of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturing Co. Ltd., and a Director of a number of private companies in various industries. He currently serves on the Board of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, the Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies. He is also the Supervisor
of Yan Chai Hospital Choi Hin To Primary School, and a Director of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce.
蔡少洲先生為百達製衣有限公司執行董事,並於不同行業的私營公司出任董事,現為香港應用科技研究院董事、香 港物流及供應鏈管理應用技術研發中心董事、仁濟醫院蔡洐濤小學校監及香港潮洲商會會董。
      香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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