Page 4 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 4
 Vision and Mission
Our Vision
我們專注教育領域的研究、發展及創新,並進一步加 強本校在亞太地區及以外的先導地位,藉著高質素 的研究及學術發展,持續提升在本地、區內與國際上 的地位和影響力。我們矢志培育出色、關懷社群的教 育及專業人士,為香港以至海外的社會經濟可持續 發展作出貢獻。
秉承「教育為本,超越教育」的理念,我們以帶領教 育創新為首要使命,藉著培育優秀而具道德承擔的 教育及專業人士,鼓勵其終身學習,推動及支持教 學、教師教育及教育相關學科的策略發展。
We will further enhance our role as a leading university in the Asia Paci c region and beyond, with a focus on educational research, development and innovation. We will continue to raise our pro le and impact locally, regionally and internationally through our high quality research and scholarship.
We are committed to nurturing outstanding and caring educators and professionals who contribute constructively to sustainable social and economic development in Hong Kong and beyond.
Our Mission
Committed to the Education-plus approach, our primary mission is to
lead educational innovation, and to promote and support the strategic development of teaching, teacher education and disciplines complementary to education by preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals while supporting their lifelong learning.
 2 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017

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