Page 37 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
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   Faculty of Education and Human Development’s reception at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2017 教育及人類發展學院在美國教育研究協會二零一七年會期間,舉行接待會
moral competencies. Featured in the activities were four presentations by international and local scholars, as well as some 20 seminars, workshops, and poster presentations by representatives from local kindergartens.
In April 2017, the Faculty of Education and Human Development held its annual reception at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, one of the largest international meetings
of educational researchers. This year’s reception was attended by over
300 scholars and leaders from more than 145 universities, international organisations and publishers from 25 countries.
Research and Knowledge Transfer
集思廣益 匯聚交流
二零一六年十二月,科學與環境學系及數學與資訊 科技學系攜手舉辦「STEM教育會議暨嘉年華」活 動,讓教育工作者、學校領導人員與課程發展工作 者聚首交流。活動集中研討科學、科技、工程和數學 (STEM)學科的整合及相關科技,如三維印刷及虛擬 實境技術於STEM教育中之應用,吸引來自約三百所 本地中、小學,逾八百名師生參加。
二零一七年四月,美國教育研究協會年會於德州聖 安東尼奧市舉行,為全球最大型之教育研究人員會 議之一。年會上,本校教育及人類發展學院舉行接待 會,有來自二十五個國家,逾一百四十五所大學、國 際組織及出版社,合共三百多名學者與教育領袖出 席。
 Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer 傑出知識轉移表現
A new category of Knowledge Transfer under the President's Awards for Outstanding Performance was created
in 2016/17 with a view to recognising, encouraging and rewarding academics who demonstrated successful transfer of University-owned knowledge.
二零一六至一七年度,本校於 「傑出表現校長獎項」類別 中,新增一項知識轉移獎,旨 在表揚與獎勵將研究所得知識 進行轉移應用方面,表現傑出 之學者。
Professor Kenneth Sin Kuen-fung (Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, and CSENIE’s Director)
冼權鋒教授 (特殊教育與輔導學
系教授、特殊學習需 要與融合教育中心 總監)
Professor Sin is widely recognised for his enthusiastic and professional support for teachers catering for the diverse learning needs of SEN students in local mainstream schools.
冼教授熱切貢獻其專業知識,支援本港主流學 校內負責照顧有特殊學習需要兒童的教師,廣為 學界認同。
Dr Lewis
Cheung Ting-on (Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences)
The research interests of Dr Cheung focus on sustainable tourism, the management of protected areas, environmental attitudes and behaviour, and environmental education.
張博士之研究,專注於可持續旅遊、自然保護地區管 理、環境態度與行為,以及環境教育。
        香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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