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organised by the Department of Science and Environmental Studies and the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology. The event, which focused on integrating the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and the use of technological tools such as 3D printing and virtual reality, attracted over 800 students and teachers from some 300 local primary and secondary schools.
In May 2017, the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, a major annual event for the early childhood education sector, attracted more than 300 school principals, teachers, parents, practitioners and government of cials. The Conference explored how teachers and parents can promote children’s “soft skills”, with special emphasis on their social, emotional and
Recognition of Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence
Early Career Research Excellence Award 青年學者卓越研究獎
Dr Kevin Chan Ka-shing
(Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology)
Dr Chan actively participates in
various knowledge transfer activities to disseminate his research  ndings on the psychopathology of mental illness and the promotion of mental health to the wider community.
陳博士積極將其於精神病理學之研究所得作知 識轉移,並於社區內推廣精神健康。
Dr Lee Siu-yau
(Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and Policy Studies)
Dr Lee’s research interests lie in language policies, intergroup relations and Chinese politics. He is also interested in the issues of elderly poverty and higher education in Hong Kong.
李博士致力於語文政策、群際關係及中國政 治研究,亦關注香港長者貧窮及高等教育等 議題。
  34 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017
 Opening ceremony of the STEM Education Conference and Carnival STEM教育會議暨嘉年華開幕禮
Experts gather at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education 2017 專家學者聚首幼兒教育研討會二零一七

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