Page 35 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 35
With a donation from The Hong Kong Jockey
Club Charities Trust, the CSENIE launched a new resource kit in May 2017 to help frontline teachers support students with attention de cit and/or hyperactive disorder, and students with intellectual disabilities in the inclusive school settings. The kit was distributed to all local primary and secondary schools. The kit was developed from the experience and expertise gained from a three-year SEN project, which has bene ted 24 schools with intensive school-based support and 121 schools with consultancy services.
Convergent Point of Ideas
In December 2016, educators, school leaders and curriculum developers gathered at the STEM Education Conference and Carnival, jointly
Resource kit for teachers of inclusive schools
Research and Knowledge Transfer
二零一六年九月,特殊學習需要與融合教育中心承 蒙太古集團慈善信託基金資助,於將軍澳教學中心 增設一特殊教育支援組,從社區層面支援有特殊學 習需要的學生及其家庭。該支援組提供個案及到校 的特殊教育訓練及家長支援,並為有志從事特殊教 育之準老師提供專業培訓。
二零一七年五月,該中心亦蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金慷慨捐助,推出全新資源套,派發予全港中、小 學,以支援前線教師,支援融合教育學校內有注意力 不足及/或過度活躍症的學生及智障學生。該資源 套發展自一個為期三年、有關特殊教育需要的研究 項目,所獲取之專業經驗與知識而來;期間已有二十 四所學校獲密集式校本支援,另有一百二十一所學 校獲顧問服務。
   An EdUHK student takes part in a practicum at the CSENIE Supporting Unit 教大學生在特殊學習需要與融合教育中心支援組實習
 香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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