Page 33 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 33
 Research and Knowledge Transfer
受歡迎的海水魚,研製出適合的飼料配方。通過以 較低的成本生產,藉此飼養出既安全又優質的食用 海水魚,並紓解對堆填區之負荷。
社會科學系獲發展局委託,探究四川臥龍國家級自 然保護區之生態旅遊規劃及管理,作為二零零八年 四川大地震後重建計劃之一部分。研究得出的成果, 為該自然保護區制定一套生態旅遊指引及為當地旅 遊業及導遊確立兩項認證制度。截至二零一七年六 月,區內已有十所旅客農舍及酒店獲取認證。
 The Department of Social Sciences was commissioned by the Development Bureau to investigate ecotourism resources in Wolong National Nature Reserve as part of the reconstruction plan for Sichuan Province following the 2008 earthquake. The investigation resulted in the development and adoption by the Nature Reserve of a set of ecotourism guidelines and two ecotourism accreditation systems for hospitality businesses and eco-tour guides. As at June 2017, 10 farmhouses and hotels in the Nature Reserve had been accredited.
Holistic Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Project Aspire, established in 2004 to serve children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a type of Autism Spectrum Disorder, has served more than 1,000 families and children in mainstream schools. Based upon a self- developed curriculum, its services include social skills training, individual counselling, educational seminars and workshops catering for both students and their parents. A new teaching pack and interactive training tools were developed in June 2017. The teaching materials, supported by application workshops, are expected to bene t about 1,000 educators and parents in the next three years.
於二零零四年設立的「蕊展計劃」,支援確診患有亞 氏保加症(現統稱自閉症譜系障礙)的學童,至今已 為主流學校的逾一千個家庭及兒童服務。該計劃根 據自行開發之課程,因應家長與學生需要,提供不 同服務,包括:社交技巧訓練、個人輔導、教育研討 會及工作坊等。二零一七年六月,計劃更製訂教材套 與互動訓練工具,輔以應用工作坊,期望可於未來三 年,再惠及約一千名教育工作者與家長。
於二零一六年在校園成立的「整全成長發展中心」, 提供一站式服務,支援有特殊學習需要兒童。該中心 由來自心理學、輔導學、聽覺學和言語及語言病理學 之專家組成。該跨學科專業團隊,以其擅長之應用 研究所得,為有特殊學習需要之學生提供評估和介 入 服 務。至 今,接 近 一 百 名 中、小 學 學 生,已 受 惠 於 中心的多項全面服務,包括:輔導、遊戲治療及專業 診療服務等。
香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /
  Dr Lewis Cheung ( rst right) joins an HKSAR delegation to Sichuan Province in 2016 二零一六年,張定安博士(右一)參與香港特區政府代表團 訪問四川

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