Page 21 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 21
   The ePortfolio enables students to re ect upon and integrate their formal and non-formal learning experience
• The Panel commended EdUHK on the effectiveness of its assessment processes and its ePortfolio initiatives as a distinctive feature of undergraduate education at EdUHK.
• The Panel commended EdUHK’s commitment to the internationalisation of the student learning experience, curriculum and the University.
• The Panel formed the view that EdUHK is uniquely placed in the UGC sector to take a stronger, more innovative, pedagogical lead in e-learning. The Panel af rmed our bolder initiatives and the more ambitious approach embodied in the new Learning and Teaching Plan (2016-19) to enhancing students’ e-learning.
• The Panel was impressed by EdUHK’s commitment to delivering high- quality learning opportunities at the undergraduate level to support whole person development through a broad range of formal and non-formal learning opportunities that support holistic development and add value to student engagement. The Panel concluded that EdUHK’s Graduate School and Faculties had together made signi cant progress in fostering a postgraduate culture and offering research postgraduate students a high-quality learning experience in a supportive, collegial environment.
Learning and Teaching
二零一七年六月,本校獲教資會轄下質素保證局(質 保局)發表之《質素核證報告》嘉許,並確認自二零 一一年首份《質素核證報告》公布後,本校已有長足 發展,進步顯著。現臚列報告對本校學與教方面之 主要成就如下:
• 評審小組讚揚教大矢志辦學,並建立機制,營造 優質文化;特點為着重實證,並以此為基礎,提 升教育質素。
• 評審小組讚揚教大以全面、完整與備存妥善記 錄之方法,訂立及維持學術標準;並有策略及系 統地採用校外參考點,以確認其學術標準及優 化程序。
• 評審小組讚揚教大之評核程序卓見成效,而電 子學習歷程檔案計劃亦為本科生教育之一大特 點。  
• 評審小組讚揚教大致力推動學生學習體驗、課 程及大學之國際化。
• 評審小組認為,本校於香港教資會界別中定位 獨特,可率先採用更積極、更創新之教學法,推 動電子學習。評審小組亦贊同,本校新制定之二 零一六至一九年學與教計劃中,為促進學生電子 學習而提出之相關措施與進取方針。
• 本校致力為本科生提供優質學習機會,並透過 不同層面之正式及非正式學習機會,支援學生全 人發展與增值;評審小組對此印象深刻。小組亦 指出,本校研究生院與各學院通力合作,建立優 良之研究院文化,為研究課程研究生提供充分支 援,在共事環境中獲得優質學習體驗。
  iB Recognition 國際文憑組織認可
 The University earned recognition from the International Baccalaureate (IB) for its programmes at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The Minor in Teaching and Learning in International Schools helps BEd students develop an understanding of international education and paves the way for a career in international schools
in Hong Kong and abroad. The minor was of cially launched in the 2016/17 academic year. BEd students who complete the minor may apply for the IB Certi cate in Teaching and Learning for Primary or Middle Years Programmes.
In March 2017, the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL) became the second teaching Chinese as an international language programme in Asia so recognised by the IB and leads to an IB Certi cate in Teaching and Learning.
本校的學士學位及學士以上程度學位課程獲得 國際文憑組織認可。二零一六至一七年度,教育 學士學位課程正式推出「國際學校教與學」副修 科,讓學生認識國際學校教育,以備將來可於本 地或海外國際學校任教。修畢此副修科之學生 可向國際文憑組織申請應用於幼稚園、小學及初 中的「國際文憑教學資格證書」。
二零一七年三月,本校之國際漢語教學文學碩士 課程亦獲國際文憑組織認可,為亞洲第二個獲該 組織認可之同類課程。學生修畢該課程後,可望 進一步取得國際文憑教學證書。
 香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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