Page 19 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 19
Experiential activities are offered to students to cultivate a positive life attitude under the General Education programme’s new Positive and Values Education Strand
UGC-funded co-terminal double degree programmes, namely Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Music; Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Visual Arts; and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language.
With the vision and mission set out in the University’s Strategic Plan 2016-2025, re nements in the common core curriculum of undergraduate programmes were implemented in 2016/17 to enrich students’ learning experience. These included the new Positive and Values Education (PAVE) strand, under the General Education Breadth Course Domain, to strengthen
Sharing life stories in groups through English writing and discussions 透過英語寫作和小組討論等活動分享生活軼事
Learning and Teaching
                                                                                          Yvette Leung Yuk-tin
Year 5 student of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) 英國語文教育榮譽學士 五年級學生
Recipient of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence pursuing the Master of Arts International Educational Development Programme at Columbia University after graduation
香港卓越獎學金得主畢業後前 赴哥倫比亞大學修讀國際教育 發展文學碩士
Charlene Yau Wai-lam
Year 3 student of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) 中國語文教育榮譽學士 三年級學生
Winner of the 42nd Youth Literary Awards for Children’s Literature (Open Category) 第四十二屆青年文學獎 — 兒童文學(公開組)冠軍

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