Page 18 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 18
  Undergraduate Education 學士學位課程
  Students of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Geography) on a  eld trip to Hong Kong Global Geopark
New Full-time Undergraduate Programmes
In 2016/17, the University further diversi ed its Bachelor of Education (BEd) programmes in secondary education, with the launch of three University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded  ve-year education programmes, namely the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Chinese History, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Science, and Bachelor of Education (Honours)
in Geography. The new programmes added breadth to the existing subject areas of English and Chinese speaking languages, mathematics, history, business, accounting and  nancial studies, and information and communication technology, as the University strives to nurture more secondary school teachers in a wide range of subjects to meet future demand arising from projected demographic changes.
Also launched during the year was a new UGC-funded four-year Bachelor
of Arts (Honours) in Special Education programme for students who wish to become competent practitioners in schools and community settings to help people with special educational needs (SEN). And to equip students with the skills to teach Chinese to non-Chinese speaking students, the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language was offered as
a new full-time senior year programme. Other new offerings included three
Chemical analysis of organic pollutants and heavy metals conducted at the University’s research laboratory as part of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Science) programme 科學教育學士課程學生在教大研究實驗室,進行有機污染物及重金屬化學分析
二零一六至一七年度,本校進一步擴展中學教育之 教育學士學位課程,新增三個由大學教育資助委員會 (教資會)資助之五年制教育學科課程,包括:中國 歷 史 教 育( 榮 譽 )學 士 課 程、科 學 教 育( 榮 譽 )學 士 課程,以及地理教育(榮譽)學士課程。新增課程連 同現有學科,如:英國語文、中國語文、數學、歷史、 企業、會計與財務概論,以及資訊及通訊科技等,將 可培訓更多中學教師任教不同科目,以回應未來人口 變化帶來之教育需要。
本年內新增設之學士課程,還包括:由教資會資助之 四年制特殊教育(榮譽)文學士課程,讓有志從事 特殊教育之學生修讀,培育其專業能力,以服務學校 或社區內有特殊學習需要人士。另一個新增之全日 制高年級學士學位課程,則是漢語作為第二語言教 學(榮譽)文學士課程,培育學生對教授中文為第二 語言的知識與能力。 
  16 / The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2016-2017
Students of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese History) and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (History) participate in the Jiao Festival in Shek O 中國歷史及歷史教育學士課程學生參加石澳太平清醮

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