Page 13 - EdUHK Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 13
   March 2017
Snapshots 2016/2017
Four outstanding individuals were named Honorary Fellows for their accomplishments and contributions to the University, education and the wider community. They were Mr Chan Hung; Dr Anissa Chan Wong Lai-kuen, BBS, MH, JP; Mr Fung Sun-kwan; and Dr Lam Tai-fai, SBS, JP
四位傑出人士獲頒授本年度榮譽院 士銜,表彰他們之卓越成就以及對 教 大、教 育 與 社 會 之 貢 獻。四 位 榮 譽 院 士 為:陳 葒 先 生、陳 黃 麗 娟 博 士,B B S,M H,J P、馮 燊 均 先 生 與 林大輝博士,SBS,JP
The Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language programme was recognised by the International Baccalaureate, becoming the second Chinese language teaching Master programme so recognised in Asia
國際漢語教學文學碩士課程獲國際 文憑組織認可,為亞洲區內第二個 獲該組織認可之同類碩士課程
    The Coding Education Unit was launched to enhance computational thinking and coding capabilities among students
    香港教育大學 2016-2017 年報 /

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