Page 9 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 9
University Subject Rankings and Research
We are pleased to learn of the results in the Quacquarelli Symonds
(QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2016, where our institution emerged second in Asia and 12th in the world in Education. We are greatly encouraged by the latest positions, as they surpassed our rankings in 2015 of third in Asia and 15th in the world in Education.
The signi cant rise of our status in the international higher education arena con rms our growth on the research front. In the 2016-17 research funding applications, with results released by the Research Grants
Council (RGC) on 30 June 2016, we were awarded HK$13.27 million
in funding for 27 projects under the General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) categories. The funded GRF and ECS projects go beyond our traditionally strong Education area, spanning the subject disciplines of Humanities and Arts, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building and Construction, Psychology and Linguistics, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences. With these newly funded projects and those previously awarded, our senior academics and emerging young scholars are undertaking 156 ongoing projects funded by the RGC and the Central Policy Unit, with a total awarded amount of HK$92.23 million, in a wide array of disciplines and subjects. Our efforts to secure
果,本校開設了「正向與價值教育」課程,協助學生培 養正向情緒及思維、抗逆能力,以及良好人際關係。為 確保他們擁有正向理念以期於日後工作的學校及機構 傳播正面價值觀,本校將要求自二零一六至一七年度 及之後入學的新生必須修讀其中一項課程方能畢業。 此外,於二零一六年一月推出的「肯定」夥伴計劃,目標 亦大致相同。藉著與中學及工商界攜手合作,邀請傑 出人士擔任「生涯教練」,為本校學生帶來最新職業及 生涯規劃知識,讓他們作好充分準備,成為準教師。
本校於二零一六年QS世界大學學科排名中,喜獲佳 績:在教育領域位列亞洲第二、全球十二。最新排名 超越二零一五年的亞洲第三、全球十五,令人鼓舞。
本校於國際高等教育界地位顯著提升,印證本校在 研究方面的進步。二零一六年六月三十日,研究資助局 (研資局)公佈二零一六至一七年度研究資助申請結 果。本校共有二十七個項目獲得優配研究金及傑出青 年學者計劃資助,金額合共一千三百二十七萬港元。 獲優配研究金及傑出青年學者計劃資助的項目突破
President's Overview 校長的話
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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