Page 11 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 11
President's Overview 校長的話
consultation and discussion. That effort aimed to ensure the smooth promulgation and implementation of the Strategic Plan, which will guide the University’s development into the next decade.
Arduous as it was, the founding of The Education University of Hong Kong would not have been possible without support from numerous parties. As such, I would like to register my most sincere gratitude to our government for its policy support, the recommendation of awarding university title made by the UGC in its review report, and the wise counsel of our Council and the steering of the Chairman in particular. Of equal importance have been the patience, understanding and support of the entire University community, our friends and partners. With our leadership in Education and added strengths in related multidisciplinary areas, as well as the continued support of our stakeholders, EdUHK will strive to become a leading university in Education in Hong Kong and beyond.
Professor Stephen Y.L. Cheung, BBS, JP President
December 2016
懈,確保《計劃》能順利頒布與實施,引領大學隨後 十年的發展。
香港教育大學的成立歷經艱辛,若非各方鼎力支持, 實難以實現。在此,我衷心感謝政府的政策支持、教 資會檢討報告對本校正名的建議,以及校董會的明智 意見與校董會主席的領導;而香港教育大學同仁、本 校友好及夥伴的耐心、理解和支持,亦同等重要。本 校持續在教育方面的領導優勢,加上新增的多元學科 實力,在各持份者不斷支持下,定將自強不息,努力成 為香港以至區內首屈一指的教育大學。
張仁良教授, BBS, JP 校長 二零一六年十二月
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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