Page 10 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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research funding, supported by other initiatives and activities, have helped the transfer of knowledge while advancing a research-active environment and research-robust culture on campus.
Donations and Community Support
During the year, we recorded our best-ever fundraising results, with over HK$164 million pledged by various donors, foundations and grants. The pledged amounts came from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Swire Group Charitable Trust, Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Limited, Hong Kong Rugby Union, Mr Lau Ming Wai, Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Limited, Ning Po Residents Association (HK) Ltd, iOne Financial Press Limited, Lau Chor Tak Foundation Limited and Fung Sun Kwan Chinese Arts Foundation Limited, among others. We are deeply grateful for the generous donations, which have allowed us to enhance our capacities and make ongoing development on campus for learning and teaching activities and other programme needs.
We also receive the staunch support of the community in the form of expertise advice. The Presidential Advisory Group (PAG), which I initiated two years ago, was founded as a high-level platform whose members were leading gures of school sponsoring bodies, the secondary, primary, early childhood and family education elds, the Legislative Council and the business and broadcasting sectors. In my regular meetings with members of the PAG and its four sub-groups with focuses on different education areas, I have been given most insightful views and invaluable advice regarding our ongoing development and programme offerings.
New University, New Beginning
During the year, the former Institute was successfully renamed The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). On 27 May 2016, the entire University community, including staff members, students and alumni
as well as our friends and supporters, was thrilled and celebrated the renaming at a party held on campus. The very fruitful outcome, following the Executive Council’s approval of the award of a university title in January, three rounds of readings of the HKIEd (Amendment) Bill 2016
in the Legislative Council between March and May, and the publication of the Government Gazette of the HKIEd (Amendment) Ordinance 2016 in mid-May, concluded our decade-long pursuit of a university title and also marked a new beginning in our development.
Students graduating in 2015-16 were the rst cohort conferred degrees under the name of EdUHK. Indeed, a new chapter has begun for the whole University community. To this end, we started an extended process of revisiting EdUHK’s positioning and direction, mapping out strategies that will re ect our new status as a university. During the year the
senior management team and I worked closely together on the Strategic Plan 2016-2025, engaging the entire University community through
本 校 於「 教 育 」方 面 的 傳 統 優 勢,拓 展 至「 人 文 學 及 藝 術 」、「 土 木 工 程 、 測 量 及 建 造 工 程 」、「 心 理 及 語 言學」、「社會及行為科學」、「數學」及「自然科學」 等 不 同 範 疇 。 是 次 撥 款 連 同 早 前 的 批 核 項 目,本 校 資 深及年輕學者所主導的、獲研資局及中央政策組資助 的研究,已增至一百五十六個,涉及多個學術領域,總 資助金額為九千二百二十三萬港元。我們尋找研究資 金的努力,配合相關的倡議及活動,不但有助知識轉 移,更有利推廣校園內積極研究的環境與活躍的研究 文化。
本校過去一年錄得建校以來最佳籌款紀錄,來自不同 人士、基金會及其他資助機構的承諾捐款,總額高逾 一億六千四百萬港元。捐款來源包括:香港賽馬會慈 善信託基金、太古集團慈善信託基金、曹貴子基金會 有 限 公 司、香 港 欖 球 總 會、劉 鳴 煒 先 生、李 國 賢 基 金 會有限公司、香港寧波同鄉會有限公司、卓智財經印 刷有限公司、劉佐德基金有限公司,以及馮燊均國學 基金會有限公司等。本校衷心感銘各界的慷慨捐贈。 款項將用作本校育人工作,促進學與教活動及提供課 程所需。
本校亦喜獲社區人士鼎力支持,提供專業意見。校長 諮詢小組(諮詢小組)是我倡議設立的高層次諮詢平 台,成員為辦學團體、中小學、幼兒教育、家庭教育範 疇 領 袖,以 及 立 法 會、商 界 與 廣 播 界 人 士。我 與 諮 詢 小組及其轄下四個成員小組定期舉行會議,從中獲 得不少精闢而寶貴的意見,對本校的持續發展及課程 的開辦大有裨益。
香港教育學院本年度成功正名為香港教育大學(教 大)。二零一六年一月,行政會議通過本校的正名;三 月至五月,立法會三讀通過《二零一六年香港教育學 院(修訂)條例草案》;二零一六年五月,正式刊憲。 本校長達十年的正名申請終告圓滿完成,標誌著本校 進入全新里程。二零一六年五月二十七日,本校在校 園內舉行盛大慶祝派對,讓整個教大社群,包括教職 員、學生、校友、各方友儕與支持者,一同慶賀。
二零一五至一六年度畢業生成為首批獲香港教育大 學 頒 授 學 位 的 畢 業 生,教 大 亦 從 此 揭 開 新 頁。為 此, 本校將重新檢視大學的定位與發展方向,勾劃全新 發展方向與策略。過去一年,管理層成員和我緊密工 作 , 諮 詢 本 校 全 體 成 員 、 經 多 方 討 論 後 撰 寫 了《 策 略 發展計劃 2016-2025》(《計劃》)。本校並會努力不
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016