Page 7 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 7
Chairman's Foreword 校董會主席前言
and multidisciplinary programmes, and subsequently offering research postgraduate degree programmes, guided by the “Education-plus” vision, the University has indeed come a very long way. The successful revalidation of programmes and programme areas outside the education domain eventually led to the successful review of our university title application by the University Grants Committee (UGC). The repeated tests and obstacles were uphill battles which we fought with one heart and one mind. The outcome was the UGC’s recognition of our commendable progress in its review report. The prize was the award of the university title which this excellent institution rightfully deserves. During my tenure, I have personally witnessed this impressive growth and development, and I am very proud to have been associated with the transformation process of EdUHK.
During my years of service to the University, I have been blessed by the very strong support from my colleagues on the Council. To this end, I would like to thank recently retired Council members Mr Franky Leung, Professor Andrew Chan, Mr Patrick Ma and Ms Ruth Shek, and extend my warm welcome to new members Mr Alvin Chu, Professor Lui Tai-lok, Professor Chetwyn Chan, Ms Sylvia Chan and Mr Tony Choi.
I have always considered myself a rational thinker, not easily lapsing into sentimentality. However, when re ecting on my years of service to the University, what comes to mind are the fond memories of the people and the episodes during which colleagues and I were working to move the Institute forward into the small hours of the morning. I am therefore deeply grateful for the tremendous support I have received from everyone in EdUHK and the trust I have been given in discharging my duties.
The University has achieved great success, but the best is yet to come. With our increased strength and enhanced potential to attract highly talented academics and committed young people to join our ranks, I have every con dence that EdUHK will realise its ambition of becoming a leading university, with Education as its core mission, in the Asia-Paci c region and further a eld, in the years to come.
Dr Pang Yiu-kai, GBS, JP Chairman of the Council December 2016
與教育相關的機構服務。二零零二年開始,我便服務 於本校校董會,從成員、司庫、以至現時成為主席,著 實深感榮幸。同時,我非常感激香港教育學院和今天 的香港教育大學每位成員所展現的毅力與決心。他們 即使面對種種困難,仍始終如一,努力拓展各個知識 領域,令本校屢創高峰。
本校創辦之初,是一所只提供教育課程的院校,主 要開辦學位以下程度課程,隨後延伸至學位課程, 並於教育範疇取得自我評審資格,繼而逐步擴展至 教育及多元學科的學士後課程,以及後來的研究院 研究課程。在「教育為本,超越教育」的信念引領 下,本校無疑走過好一段漫長而修遠的道路。本校 就教育以外學科完成「課程覆審」及「學科範圍評 審」,成功通過大學教育資助委員會(教資會)的 院校檢討後,最終正名為大學。期間,本校上下一 心,面對重重的試煉和障礙,迎難而上取得的成 果,得到教資會認同,並於檢討報告中嘉許本校的 進步,令我們的大學名銜實至名歸。我在任內得以 親身經歷教大的成長與發展,固然深刻難忘;而能 參與其中變革過程,實與有榮焉。
在香港教育大學服務期間,我有幸得到校董會各同 事的鼎力支持。在此,我要感謝最近離任的校董會 成員梁浩正先生、陳志輝教授、馬清鏗先生與石玉如 女士,並歡迎新任校董會成員朱鑒漢先生、呂大樂教 授、陳智軒教授、陳美娟女士與蔡少洲先生。
我個人一向重理性,但此時此刻亦難免依依,尤其每 當回想在教大服務的歲月,總會不期然地想起校內的 朋友,以及與各位同事為推動本校發展而夜以繼日工 作的片段。為此,我衷心感謝香港教育大學每一位朋 友給予我的支持和信任,讓我得以履行職責。
承 先 啟 後,繼 往 開 來,教 大 將 追 求 卓 越,更 上 層 樓。 隨著本校的實力與日俱增,當可吸引更多優秀的學者 與具使命感的年輕人。我深信,本校將來定能實現宏 願,成為亞太區以至全球,以教育為核心使命的頂尖 學府。
彭耀佳博士, GBS, JP 校董會主席 二零一六年十二月
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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