Page 47 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 47
Partnership and Community Engagement 夥伴及社區參與
More than 30 volunteers, including staff, students and their families, visit the homes of 50 elders living alone in Kwun Tong
逾 三 十 名 教 大 學 生、教 職 員 及 其 親 屬 探 訪 觀 塘 五 十 名 獨 居 長者
The University: A Hub for Education and Wellness
The Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME) has been attracting scores of visitors to its exhibitions and activities. Launched in June 2015, the Re-encountering Confucius exhibition was organised by HKME and co-presented by the Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau
and partners from Mainland China. Through interactive edutainment activities and guided tours, the exhibition enhanced the understanding of Confucius and his philosophy among participating students and teachers. Building on its success, HKME coordinated the organisation of the large-scale Six Arts, Five Constant Virtues Carnival on 8-9 July 2016 in collaboration with  ve academic units. Through fun- lled activities,
本校藉著與其他機構合作,或獨自擔承,致力促進社 區福祉及環境保育。有鑑於此,本校經投標程序後,邀 請了東華三院旗下社會企業賞味軒,營運校園內的咖 啡角,讓其僱員可以和本校師生互相學習。咖啡角的 殘疾僱員經培訓後,固然獲得自力更生的機會,而本 校師生也藉此學習擁抱共融,與他們正面互動。基於 同樣理念,校園內的便利店亦由香港復康聯盟營運, 為殘疾人士及已康復病人提供培訓,協助他們重新投 入社會,並讓本校成員對他們有更深入的了解。
Some 300 participants work out with a towel
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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