Page 45 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 45
University disseminated their outstanding work via the publication of 18 books and uploaded videos on the investigation process and ideas to the of cial event website.
Founded in June 2015, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is renowned for supporting and initiating new and cutting-edge classroom practices, advancing teaching and learning effectiveness and excellence through lesson study, self-directed learning, communities
of practices and small class teaching. With the 30 commissioned professional development courses, school development days and partnership projects it has organised since establishment, the Centre has helped 2,600 teachers, students and other participants to bene t from the latest and most innovative theories and best education practices.
The University actively involves its students in serving the underprivileged and students with special educational needs (SEN). Launched in 2011- 12, with the support of the Education Bureau, the After-school Learning Support Scheme engaged students at the University as tutors to serve pupils with  nancial needs. In 2013-14, the Scheme was launched
with the Tai Po Association of Secondary School Heads to support SEN secondary school students in the Tai Po district. In 2015-16, the Scheme was extended to cover schools in the Shatin district. In the two academic years, some 3,000 EdUHK students were engaged as tutors, bene ting students in 120 primary and secondary schools.
Advancing Social Well-being
The University is dedicated to advancing the well-being of the wider community and environment by partnering with other organisations or working independently. With that purpose in mind, the University invited U Deli, a social enterprise cafe under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, to operate its Coffee Corner on campus through a tendering procedure.
Dr Ko Po-yuk, Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, leads a sharing session with teacher participants in an open lesson
卓越教學發展中心總監高寶玉博士在公開課的討論環節與教師 們交流
校長諮詢小組(諮詢小組)為校長於兩年前成立的高 層次諮詢平台,成員均為社會上不同領域見多識廣的 人士,包括:辦學團體、中小學、幼兒教育、家庭教育 範 疇 領 袖,以 及 立 法 會、商 界 與 廣 播 界 人 士。諮 詢 小 組及其轄下四個專題小組定期召開會議,就不同教育 領域議題向校長及其管理團隊提出建議,並就本校持 續發展及課程方面提供寶貴意見。
為推動科學、科技、工程及數學教育,本校早於一九九 八年已舉辦首屆科學與環境探索活動。此項由香港教 育大學、政府部門與教育機構長期合作的活動,以推 動創意思維、學習科學知識、關注環境議題為目標, 藉 著 科 學 探 究 培 養 綜 合 科 學 、 科 技 、工 程 、 數 學 技 能 及 解 難 技 巧。活 動 每 年 吸 引 一 百 五 十 多 所 本 港、澳 門 及珠三角地區小學逾千名高小學生參加。本年度活動 主題為「綠色啟航」。為表彰參加者的出色表現,本校 將 他 們 多 年 來 的 努 力 成 果 印 製 成 十 八 冊 書,並 將 探 究 過程及理念的錄像上載於活動的官方網站。
卓越教學發展中心於二零一五年六月成立,宗旨為支 援 學 校、促 進 教 師 專 業 發 展、推 廣 有 效 課 堂 教 學;並 通 過 課 堂 學 習 研 究、自 主 學 習、實 踐 社 群 及 小 班 教 學 等方式,提昇中、小學的教與學水平,邁向卓越教學。 中心自成立以來,獲委託開辦了三十個教師專業發展 課 程、學 校 發 展 日 及 夥 伴 協 作 項 目,讓 二 千 六 百 名 教 師、學生及活動參加者了解嶄新的理論和優秀的教學 實踐,達致教學相長。
Partnership and Community Engagement
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報
Launch Ceremony for the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

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