Page 44 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 44
Partnering for Education Well-being
The Presidential Advisory Group (PAG), a high-level platform set up by the President two years ago, was supported by very knowledgeable members of the community from different walks of life. These leading  gures included members of school sponsoring bodies, the secondary, primary, early childhood and family education  elds, the Legislative Council and the business and broadcasting sectors. Meeting regularly, members of the PAG and its four sub-groups with focuses on different education areas advised the President and his management team, giving their invaluable views regarding the ongoing development of the University and its programme offerings.
To promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, the University held its  rst Innovations in Science and Environmental Studies (ISES) event in 1998. This long-running collaboration between EdUHK, government departments and educational organisations aims to promote a habit of innovation, an understanding
of scienti c knowledge and awareness of environmental issues, hence nurturing STEM integration skills and problem-solving techniques through scienti c investigations. ISES annually attracts more than 1,000 upper primary students from over 150 schools in Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta Region and Macau. During the year, participating students worked on the theme of “Green Aviation”. To recognise those efforts, the
Pupils explaining the outcomes of their science inquiry work to Professor Winnie So Wing-mui, Director of Centre for Education in Environmental Sustainability, at the Innovations in Science and Environmental Studies Exhibition
學生於「常識百搭」展覽向教大可持續發展教育中心總監蘇詠 梅教授講解科學探究成果
把傳統中國文化與價值觀融入生命教育課程中,並加 以實踐,從而傳遞出生命的意義與活出豐盛人生的 訊 息。另 一 捐 款 人 亦 捐 出 一 百 萬 港 元,支 持 本 校 向 本 地學生推廣中國歷史文化,加深他們對中國傳統的了 解。在是項捐款支持下,二零一五/一六「全港中小學 中國文化校際常識問答比賽」已於二零一六年五月二 十八日舉行,來自六十所中小學的學生均積極參與。
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016
Meeting of the Presidential Advisory Group and Focus Groups

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