Page 43 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 43
Partnership and Community Engagement
Naming Ceremony for Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building
the University, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and deliver a life education curriculum infused with traditional Chinese culture and values, through which the meaning of life and
the importance of living to the fullest can be advanced. A donation
of HK$1 million from another donor was dedicated to promoting the study of Chinese history and culture among local students, deepening their understanding of Chinese tradition. Supported by this donation, the 2015/2016 Primary and Secondary School Chinese Culture Quiz Competition was held on 28 May 2016, with keen participation by 60 primary and secondary schools.
Donation Ceremony for Chinese Culture-based Life Education Project
EdUHK President Professor Stephen Y.L. Cheung shares the joy with the winning team of the 2015/2016 Primary and Secondary School Chinese Culture Quiz Competition
校長張仁良教授與二零一五/一六年度全港中小學中國文化校際 常識問答比賽得獎隊伍一同分享喜悅
旨在培養高小學生自幼熟習基本程式設計概念、發展 運算思維及多角度思考能力。計劃從一百五十所申請 學校中選取三十二所成為網絡學校,共有一萬六千五 百六十名小學生受惠於本校與麻省理工、城大三校的 專業合作。此外,逾百名教師亦將接受由本校與麻省理 工提供的運算思維教學技巧培訓。
本 校 亦 獲 得 兩 項 慷 慨 捐 助,以 推 廣 中 國 文 化 及 歷 史。 馮燊均國學基金會捐出五百萬港元,協助準教師及年 輕人鞏固其傳統中國文化基礎。是項為期五年的計劃 旨在培訓於本校就讀的準教師相關的知識與技能,
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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