Page 42 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 42
Philanthropic Support for Education Enhancement
During the year, the University recorded its best-ever fundraising results, with over HK$164 million in donations pledged by various donors, foundations and grants. Amongst the pledged donations, HK$40 million was received during the year.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust made a grant of HK$62.5 million to the University to launch an ambitious project that will bene t upper primary school students. The four-year Computational Thinking and Coding Education project for primary schools, organised by the University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU) commenced in April 2016. The project is aiming to equip upper primary school students with fundamental programming concepts and develop their computational thinking skills and perspectives from
an early learning age. Amid very keen competition, 32 out of 150 applications were shortlisted as network schools, at which 16,560 students will bene t from the combined EdUHK-MIT-CityU expertise. In addition, more than 100 teachers will be trained by EdUHK and MIT to equip them with computational thinking teaching skills.
The University also received two generous donations for the promotion of Chinese culture and history. HK$5 million was donated by the Fung Sun Kwan Chinese Arts Foundation to help prospective teachers and the younger generations fortify their foundation in traditional Chinese culture. Spanning  ve years, the project will bene t student teachers at
Computational Thinking and Coding Education Programme
香港教育大學本年度錄得自創校以來最佳籌款紀 錄:來自不同人士、基金會及其他資助的承諾捐 款,總額高逾一億六千四百萬港元,年內已收取其 中四千萬港元捐款。
香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款六千二百五十萬港元, 支持本校推出一項對高小學生極有裨益的大型計劃。 為期四年的「運算思維及編程教育計劃」已於二零一 六年四月推出。該計劃為小學而設,由本校、麻省理工 學院(麻省理工)及香港城市大學(城大)聯合籌劃,
Primary school principals and teachers attend the Brie ng Session for the Computational Thinking and Coding Education Programme in April 2016
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016

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