Page 28 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 28
The minor courses that students
are allowed to take equip us with various skills needed to face future challenges. What’s more, we can take Education-related minors as students enrolled in non-BEd programmes.
香港教育大學讓同學自由選擇副修科目, 以期充實知識,裝備自己,面對日後挑 戰;即使非主修教育的,也可選讀與教育 相關的科目作副修。
Karis Chan Nok-yi 陳諾怡
Year 1 student of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies – Chinese Major 語文研究榮譽文學士(中文主修)一年級學生
On the information day, students
and teachers were all very friendly
and willing to take time to guide
me through all the programme
details. I was also impressed by the multidisciplinary learning environment.
在資訊日那天,我發現這裡的師生十分友 善,不但積極解答我的問題,更耐心地為 我介紹各項課程資訊。我對教大的多元學 習環境也留下深刻印象。
Lee Tin-long 李天朗
Year 1 student of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology 心理學榮譽社會科學學士一年級學生
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016

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