Page 27 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 27
I admire the professionalism of the University's staff and its modern approach to Education. I feel appreciated and recognised for the work I do here.
Sarah Deloison (France 法國)
International Tutor
Learning and Teaching 學與教
I am deeply interested in child behavioural development as I aspire to be a school psychologist. When I realised that
EdUHK offers a concentration in School Psychology, I told myself to go for it.
我對兒童的行為發展深感興趣,而香港教育大 學正好提供相關的學校心理學專修研習;因 此,我選擇加入這個大家庭,為日後成為駐校 心理學家做好準備。
Hanson Tam Tze-to 譚梓濤
Year 1 student of Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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