Page 29 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 29
Learning and Teaching 學與教
International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School 2016
Recognising the University’s strength in teacher education and increasing prominence in education research, a total of around 400 students were attracted to some of its signature postgraduate programmes, including the Master of Education, Master of Teaching, Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language, Master of Arts in Chinese Studies (Language Education) and Master of Science in Educational Speech- language Pathology and Learning Disabilities.
Designed for aspiring and serving school leaders in international schools, the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC) programme is renowned for providing up-to-date leadership knowledge and its innovative on-line format and focus on applying theoretical knowledge to real leadership situations. IELC graduates are eligible for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Certi cate in Leadership Practice and IB Advanced Certi cate in Leadership Research.
To date, EdUHK is one of the only six universities worldwide formally authorised by IB to offer these prestigious certi cates. Re ecting the programme’s highly international nature, the batch of 2015-16 IELC graduates came from Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Serbia, South Africa and South Korea.
國際教育領導與變革行政人員文學碩士課程是特為 現職國際學校管理層,以及有志於此的人士而開設 的。該課程以具創意的網上授課形式,提供最新領導 知識,以著重結合理論與應用著稱。課程畢業生可獲 頒國際文憑領導實踐證書及高級領導研究證書。
目前全球僅有六家大學獲國際文憑組織授權頒授這 類 極 具 代 表 性 的 證 書,香 港 教 育 大 學 即 為 其 一。本 年 度修畢上述課程的畢業生來自加拿大、香港、日本、中 國內地、馬來西亞、塞爾維亞、南非及南韓,反映課程 極為國際化的特質。
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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