Page 26 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 26
to deliver presentations at a postgraduate student research conference and engage in other scholarly activities with fellow research students, academic staff and researchers.
To prepare postgraduate students for their future academic pursuit,
the International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum cum Summer School (IPRRFSS) in Education, Social Sciences, Liberal Arts and Humanities was held at the University from 1 to 5 July 2016. Attended by over 350 local and overseas participants, the IPRRFSS was a unique conference organised solely for and by postgraduate students at which they could present research  ndings, interact and exchange ideas with their counterparts, and receive expert feedback on their research work from international scholars. With coordinated efforts in forging various internationalisation collaborations, the event was actively participated by students and scholars from Australia, Bangladesh, Germany, India, Japan, Macau, Mainland China, Mongolia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, and the US.
學校— 教育、社會科學、博雅教育及人文」。是次 獨特會議固然是為研究生舉辦,卻亦全由他們組織。 來自本地及海外逾三百五十名參加者在會上發表研 究結果,交流切磋,並獲國際學者就其研究給予專業 評 語。會 議 獲 多 家 國 際 機 構 衷 誠 合 作,來 自 澳 洲、孟 加拉、德國、印度、日本、澳門、中國內地、蒙古、俄羅 斯、新加坡、台灣及美國的學生與學者,均積極參與。
教師教育向為本校強項,而本校於教育研究方面的優 勢亦持續擴大,吸引約四百名學生入讀本校知名的研 究生課程,包括:教育碩士課程、教學碩士課程、國際 漢語教學文學碩士課程、中文研究文學碩士(語文教 育)課程,以及教育言語及語言病理學暨學習障礙理 學碩士課程。
The Education University of Hong Kong
Annual Report 2015-2016
International outreach study experience for Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education students in Norway
哲學碩士、哲學博士及教育博士學位課程學生在挪威的 國際外展學習體驗

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