Page 24 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
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In line with the University’s ethos of promoting excellence, the President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, Research and Administrative Services were established in 2011-12 to recognise and encourage individual staff and team achievements and foster a performance-driven culture. During the year, under the category of Outstanding Performance in Teaching, awards were bestowed on Dr Savio Wong Wai-ho, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, and Dr Cheung Sau-hung, Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese Language Studies.
With its proven research performance, the University was allocated 67 UGC-funded Research Postgraduate places in 2016-17, representing a signi cant increase of 34 per cent over the 50 places allocated in 2015-16.
The University continued its efforts to enrich the learning experience
and exposure of its postgraduate students in Hong Kong and beyond. Starting in 2015-16, students in the Master of Education programme are provided with the opportunity to take one to two intensive compatible and complementary courses at partner universities in, for instance, Australia and the UK. Through this overseas engagement opportunity, the students are able to develop their global perspectives, enrich their learning experience and establish international networks for future career prospects.
The International Outreach Study Programme, a similar initiative, has been organised by the University’s Graduate School annually since 2012. During the year, visits were made to universities in the US, Norway and Finland in April and May 2016, with students having the opportunity
為配合本校追求卓越的精神,我們於二零一一至一二 年度推出傑出教學、研究及行政服務表現校長獎項, 以嘉許及鼓勵教職員追求個人及團隊成就,推動追求 卓越表現的文化。本年度傑出教學表現獎的得主為特 殊教育與輔導學系副教授黃蔚皓博士,以及中國語言 學系助理教授張壽洪博士。
由於本校在研究方面有出色表現,二零一六至一七年 度獲教資會撥出六十七個研究生名額,較上年度五十 個名額顯著增加百分之三十四。
香港教育大學持續為研究生加強本地及海外學習方 面 的 體 驗 與 經 歷。自 二 零 一 五 至 一 六 年 度 起,教 育 碩 士課程學生均有機會赴笈澳洲及英國等地,於夥伴 大學修習一至兩項相符及相輔的密集課程。這個海外 學習機會讓參與學生得以拓展全球視野、豐富學習經 驗,並建立其未來事業發展的國際網絡。
其 實,自 二 零 一二 年 起,本 校 研 究 生 院 已 開 辦 與 上 述 計劃理念相近的「國際外展學習計劃」。二零一六年 四 月 及 五 月,學 生 分 別 到 訪 美 國、挪 威 及 芬 蘭 等 國, 於 研 究 生 會 議 上 發 表 研 究 報 告,並 與 其 他 研 究 生、學 者及研究人員一起參與多項學術活動。
為協助研究生在學術上持續發展,本校於二零一六年 七 月 一 日 至 五 日,舉 辦「國 際 研 究 生 學 術 會 議 暨 暑 期
The Education University of Hong Kong Annual Report 2015-2016
Overseas learning experience for Master of Education students in Australia
Postgraduate Education

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