Page 13 - EdUHK Annual Report 2015-2016
P. 13
Jan 2016
Mar 2016
The HKIEd (Amendment) Bill 2016 introduced and subjected to  rst reading in the Legislative Council on 2 March 2016
HKIEd ranked 2nd in Asia and 12th in the world in Education, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016
二零一六年QS世界大學學 科排名,教院於教育學科 位列亞洲第二名與全球第 十二名
Apr 2016
Final Honorary Fellowships conferred under the name of HKIEd on 7 April 2016
二零一六年四月七日,為最後一次以香港教 育學院名義,頒授榮譽院士銜
Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Chinese History, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Science, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Geography, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education and Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language programmes launched
開辦中國歷史教育榮譽學士課程、科學 教育榮譽學士課程、地理教育榮譽學士課 程、特殊教育榮譽文學士課程,以及漢語 作為第二語言教學榮譽文學士課程
Executive Council approved that a university title be conferred on the Institute on 26 January 2016
二零一六年一月二十六日,行政會議通 過授予教院大學之名
Highlights 大事回顧
香港教育大學 2015-2016年報

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