Professorial Title System
Reflecting HKIEd's self-accrediting status and to
enhance its competitiveness in recruiting and retaining
talented academic staff, the Institute planned to
introduce professorial titles to replace the previous
lecturer titles. Prior to these changes, academic
staff were briefed and consulted on the "migration"
process. The new initiative will be implemented in
the 2005-06 academic year.
The new Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant
Professor and Lecturer titles; consistent with Hong
Kong's other universities, will help enhance the Institute's
academic profile, recognise the appropriate status
of the academic staff and place the Institute in line
with international practices. Staff can opt to migrate
to the new professorial titles, based on their academic
qualifications and other strengths. At the same time,
new "Teaching Fellow" and "Senior Teaching
Fellow" posts have been created to attract talented
teaching staff, especially those with strong professional
experience and expertise.