Our students being nurtured into becoming professional, caring and responsible teachers of tomorrow. Two HKIEd graduates won full scholarships from the University of Northern Iowa for their academic excellence and well-rounded personalities.


Within the fast-changing landscape in the provision of higher education in Hong Kong, the Institute has been actively fulfilling its role as a fully-fledged tertiary institution, dedicated to nurturing knowledgeable, caring and responsible educators. Following its in-depth collaboration with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the implementation of a new academic structure as well as the introduction of professorial titles, the Institute is ideally placed to move forward with optimism.

HKIEd's Collaboration with Local and
Overseas Institutions

The Institute has developed over the years collaborative programmes with different institutions, both locally and internationally. The collaborations involve student and staff exchanges and the sharing of knowledge and materials. The collaborations that the Institute entered into with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Lingnan University on science and humanities related disciplines are some of the outstanding examples. Such collaborative models help advance the pursuit of excellence in scholarship for the benefit of our student teachers and the community as a whole. Thus far, the Institute has signed academic collaborative agreements with four local institutions and 29 mainland and overseas institutions.

Deep collaboration with CUHK

HKIEd is widely recognised as the leader in kindergarten and primary teacher education in Hong Kong. Capitalising on these strengths while expanding into new areas of service, the Institute has been exploring opportunities to collaborate with other tertiary institutions. These efforts came to fruition during the year, when an agreement was signed on 9 July 2005 between Professor Paul Morris, President of the HKIEd and Professor Lawrence J Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, to pursue an in-depth collaboration between the two institutions. With their combined strengths, the close collaboration will create synergies and facilitate cross-fertilisation, enhancing the quality of education and the teaching profession throughout Hong Kong. It will also enhance the performance of both institutions in their respective roles, and ensure that as partners, they will take the leading position in teacher education in Hong Kong. This deep collaboration will also play a significant role in education across the Asia-Pacific region, contributing to Hong Kong's role as a regional hub for higher education.

An agreement on deep collaboration was signed by Professor Paul Morris, President of HKIEd (right) and Professor Lawrence
J Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, on 9 July 2005.

In setting up this collaboration, a guiding principle has been to acknowledge, recognise and respect the differences in the missions, roles and traditions of both institutions. At the same time, committed to the academic and professional enhancement of teacher education in Hong Kong and the region, the collaboration is not intended to save resources in any way. Ensuring the best way forward, the Institute and CUHK have appointed a joint Task Force, at vice-presidential level, to draw up mid to long term strategies and plans. The Institute is also determined that staff and students will be well-informed and consulted throughout the process. Adhering to the guiding principles, the Task Force will explore opportunities for the collaboration in its future discussions, with a focus on the coming two triennia, 2005-2008 and 2008-2011.

Meanwhile the University Grants Committee (UGC) has assured the two institutions that resources devoted to teacher education for each institution will be preserved. It has also reaffirmed its willingness to consider, at an appropriate time, a joint submission from both institutions seeking additional financial support under the collaborative initiative, in this and / or the next triennium.