Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 9 (Dec., 2017)
Tolga GOK and Ozge GOK
Peer instruction: An evaluation of its theory, application, and contribution

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Peer instruction: An evaluation of its theory, application, and contribution


Tolga GOK
Torbali Technical Vocational School of Higher Education
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TURKEY


Ozge GOK
Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TURKEY


Received 29 Jul., 2017
Revised 26 Dec., 2017



Many qualitative and quantitative studies performed on peer instruction based on interactive engagement method used in many different disciplines and courses were reviewed in the present study. The researchers examined the effects of peer instruction on students' cognitive skills (conceptual learning, problem solving, reasoning ability, etc.) and affective skills (attitude, confidence, motivation perception, satisfaction, etc.). The qualitative document analysis was used in the present study. Therefore the studies, published in the books, dissertations, journals, proceedings, etc.) performed on peer instruction with the help of several search engines (Web of Science, Google Scholars databases, etc.) based on certain keys (peer discussion, peer instruction, peer interaction, etc.) were evaluated between 1997 and 2017. Besides, the theoretical framework,  the advantages and  disadvantages and the applications of peer instruction in many different disciplines were presented in detail. In the most of qualitative and quantitative studies; cognitive and affective skills, conceptual learning, problem solving performance, perception, confidence, and beliefs of different student groups instructed with peer instruction was reported to be higher than those of different student groups instructed with traditional teaching methods. Some suggestions were also presented in the light of  reviewed studies for future research at the end of the current study.  

Keywords: interactive learning, interactive engagement method, peer discussion, peer instruction, peer interaction



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