Page 14 - The Architecture of Professional Development
P. 14

U litas, Firmitas, and Venustas:

                     The Essen al Components of Architecture

              In a recent book on architecture, James O’Gorman (1998) refers to the classic work of the ancient
              Roman architect and engineer, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio.  O’Gorman believes this work is one of the
              most influen al texts on architecture ever wri en.  Vitruvius iden fied three essen al components in
              architecture–func on (u litas), structure (firmitas), and beauty (venustas).  O’Gorman invites us to
              imagine these components as the corners of an equilateral triangle in which each side links two
              corners of the triangle crea ng discrete sides, “yet all combine to shape a larger whole” (p. 11).  The
              architecture of professional development, like its physical counterpart, brings together the same
              essen al components.

              U litas ‐ Func on

              The first corner of the triangle, u litas, represents the func on of professional development.
              Architects rely on a wealth of knowledge and skills that informs their work.  Primary among these is
              their ability to listen, hear, and respond to the needs, interests, and priori es of their clients. In
              professional development, this means that the design, delivery, and intended outcomes of learning
              ac vi es are to serve the interests of clients.  To whom do the designers of professional development
              in schools listen and respond?  Who benefits from professional development?  What interests are
              being served?  Clearly, the most obvious clients and interests are teachers and principals.  A er all,
              they are the par cipants in the learning ac vi es.  Professional development opportuni es are
              designed to meet teachers’ and principals’ needs, some shared others individually unique, helping
              them learn and grow as people and professionals by strengthening their professional prac ce and its

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