Page 12 - The Architecture of Professional Development
P. 12

The design themes described above are complemented by research on exemplary professional
              development prac ces in schools.  Over the past decade various professional associa ons, teacher net‐
              works, scholars, and government agencies have developed lists of the characteris cs of high‐quality
              professional   development.  See, for example, Standards for Staff Development, 1994; Teachers Take
              Charge for Their Learning: Transforming Professional Development for Student Success, 1996;
              Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathema cs, 1998; and Professional
              Development: Learning from the Best, 1999.  The la er is based on a set of criteria that The United
              States Department of Educa on developed for The Na onal Awards Program for Model Professional
              Development.  Based on these works, there are at least ten iden fiable characteris cs of high‐quality,
              effec ve professional development.  Combined with the emerging design themes, these characteris cs
              embody the essen al components of professional development architecture and serve as helpful
              guides for planning, implemen ng, and judging the quality of professional development prac ces in

                                         The list of essen al characteris cs is
                                         not as a prescrip ve fix for
                                         professional development in schools.
                                         Rather, the list provides a framework,
                                         one anchored in school‐based
                                         research and exemplary prac ces that
                                         informs educators as they design,
                                         deliver, and evaluate professional
                                         learning and its outcomes.

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