Page 13 - The Architecture of Professional Development
P. 13
High‐quality Professional Develoment:
1. Focuses on teachers as central to student learning, yet includes all oth‐
er members of the school community.
2. Focuses on individual, collegial, and organiza onal improvement.
3. Respects and nurtures the intellectual and leadership capacity of
teachers, principals, and others, in the school community.
4. Reflects the best available research and prac ce in teaching, learning,
and leadership.
5. Enables teachers to develop further exper se in subject content,
teaching strategies, uses of technologies, and other essen al elements
in teaching to high standards.
6. Promotes con nuous inquiry and improvement embedded in the daily
life of schools.
7. Is planned collabora vely by those who will par cipate in and facilitate
that development.
8. Requires substan al me and other resources.
9. Is driven by a coherent long‐term plan.
10. Is evaluated ul mately on the basis of its impact on teacher
effec veness and student learning, and this assessment guides
subsequent professional development efforts.