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                1.    Calderhead, J., & Gates, P. (1993). Conceptualising reflection in teacher
                      development. London: The Falmer Press.

                2.    Covey, S. R.  (1989).  The 7 habits of highly effective people.  New York: Simon and

                3.    Duignan, P. A., &  Macpherson, R. J. S. (1993). Educative leadership: A practical
                      theory. Educational Administration Quarterly, 29(1), 8-33.

                4.    Macpherson, R. J. S., & Vann, B. (1996). Grief and educative leadership. Journal of
                      Educational Administration, 34(2), 24-40.

                5.    Starratt, R. J. (2007). Leading a community of learners: Learning to be moral by
                      engaging the morality of learning. Educational Management Administration &
                      Leadership, 35(2), 165-184.

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