Page 26 - Leadership Basics Educative Leadership
P. 26
Conversation 5
The learning team (LT) was involved in a discussion about students who were not performing up to
expectations. The discussion turned to Shane, who was still way below his level despite being a
part of the Reading Recovery Program (one hour per week). His class teacher was becoming
frantic and sought advice about what to do about Shane because his parents were very concerned
by his lack of progress and were making threatening noises about pulling their child out of school.
The five member LT discussed the matter at their fortnightly meeting. The LT coordinator, Mary
(Deputy Principal), suggested the approach of changing his class. Barry, the HOD for English,
suggested on the approach of purchasing a new (and expensive) “Catch the Reading Bug” reading
scheme. Jennifer, the quiet-spoken but highly regarded Head of Student Services, proposed yet a
third approach, which focused on working closely with the parents. The meeting was at a
Discuss this with your colleagues.
If you were a member of this LT what would you suggest must happen in order to agree on a
strategy for moving forward?