Page 15 - Leadership Basics 9
P. 15

Event                                      Comment
                Start by discussing people’s   Henry begins – not by telling staff he wants them to work
                interests.  Do not start with an   until 5.30, but by calling a meeting to discuss the situation
                offer, put offers aside until   and  to  find  out  why  the  office  closes  so  early.   What  has
                later.                         happened in the past?

                Focus on interests not         Are the staff committed to other activities or do they have
                positions.  Deal with people not  personal reasons for leaving early?  What is their concern?

                Generate options for mutual    Working together Henry and the admin staff come up with
                gain                           the plan that the office will be kept open until 5pm, and that
                                               to off set the extra time worked, that the staff will have an
                                               extra day off a month.

                Reality testing.               Is the agreement still OK after a cooling off period and is it
                                               worth having the office open until late … do parents use this
                                               time to come to the school.

                Reach Agreement                Both parties agree on a solution.

                Test against objective         Is  the  agreement  still  OK  after  a  cooling  off  period,  and
                standards.                     when   measured   against   other   known   precedents   or

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