Page 13 - Leadership Basics 9
P. 13

The Process of Positional Negotiation

                          Event                                      Comment
              Develop your ‘log of claims’.   Don't forget that it is likely that you will be forced to compromise so,
                                             ‘build’  in  more  than  you  want  in  your  initial  position  .  .  .  about
                                             business, not personalities?

              Separate people from the problem.  It’s not personal but business leave emotions out of it.  There is no
                                             place for anger, being upset, being depressed, etc.

              Focus on the other party’s offer.   How committed are they to their position?  How much will they be
                                             prepared to give?

              Generate ‘counter offers’.     The  difficult  part ‐  each  party  should  work  towards  giving  up  a
                                             certain amount from their initial positions.

              Reach Agreement                Both parties agree on a solution.
              Test against objective standards.   Is  the  agreement  still  OK  after  a  cooling  off  period,  and  when
                                             measured against other known precedents or standards?

             Consider the following example of Positional Negotiation in a school.  We will use the case study
             of Henry Li to illustrate this story.

                      Event                                      Comment
              Develop your            Henry is used to schools being open until 5.30, but his new school is used to
              ‘log of claims’.        shutting the office at 4.30.   Henry’s ‘log of claims’ is that a roster is to be
                                      drawn up so that office staff take turns working until 5.30 pm.  He actually
                                      only wants the office open until 5, but that is his initial bargaining position.

                                      [The office staff ‘log of claims’ is that they only want to work until 4.30]

              Separate people from    Henry has to make sure this is not a personal issue.  He has to make it clear
              the problem.            to staff that he does not think they are lazy or ‘getting away’ with anything.
                                      It is a business matter and nothing to do with personalities.  He will tell the
                                      staff that they also have to leave their personal lives out of this negotiation.
                                      Just  because  a  staff  member  wants  to  go  home  at  4.30  to  meet  her  own
                                      children is of no consequence.  We all have personal likes and dislikes, we
                                      cannot allow one person any special privileges.

              Focus on the other      How committed are the staff to their positions?  Do they want to continue
              party’s offer.          working at the school in the front office or are they willing to quit if they
                                      have to work until 5pm?  Do they have the support of the teaching staff?  Is
                                      there a Union involved?

              Generate ‘counter offers’.  The  difficult  part  –  Henry  is  willing  to  offer  the  Administration  Staff
                                      Flexi‐time, which means they can start work later on in order to make up
                                      for the extra time taken to stay until 5.30pm.   The staff do not want to start
                                      work  later  but  prefer  starting  early  and  going  home  to  their  own  families

              Reach Agreement.        Office staff will work until 5 p.m. on a rotational basic can start 15 minutes
                                      later after they have worked and can ‘swap’ shifts themselves as needs arise.

              Test against objective   Is  the  agreement  still  OK  after  a  cooling  off  period  and  when  looked  at
              standards.              against what the school was doing before?  Are parent’s happy?  Is anyone
                                      coming in after 4.30?

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