Page 12 - Leadership Basics 6
P. 12
Getting Ready for the Presentation
In preparing the content of your presentation, you will need to think about the prompts you need
during the presentation itself. Do not write it out word for word. If you were to do that, you would
lose your place when you look at the audience, or just as bad, you would appear to be reading it.
You can become reasonably ‘word perfect’ by rehearsing several times.
It is best to use words or phrases which act as the headings for you. You can either put these on
PowerPoint or use the old‐fashioned way ‐ cue cards. You can of course do both and we recommend
this, because you can write a few notes on your cards which you do not want the audience to see.
You may, for example, want to indicate where you have a humorous anecdote to tell or where you
want to show a transparency. We do not recommend trying to memorize the content.
Use words and phrases as headings.
Use cue cards and/or visual aids as prompts.
Rehearse your presentation with a friend or colleague.
Cue Cards
1. How to increase staff morale
(a) communication
(b) trust
2. Personnel implications
3. Implement development programme
3 mins
1. Staff leadership
2. Present structure
3. Effects on L&T
5 mins