Page 10 - Mini-Module 4
P. 10

A Strategic Communication Continuum


                                                         Select & Dissect

                                     Effectiveness   Identify & Clarify  Tell & Sell

                                               Withhold & Control   Spray & Pray

                                      Low         Amount of information     High
                          Adapted from Clampitt, DeKoch & Cashman, “A Strategy for Communicating about Uncer-
                          tainty”,                           Academy                              of
                          Management Executive, Winter 2000, 41-57.

                          This model is based on five generic descriptions for the types of
                          communication strategies employed by school leaders, these are:

                          □   Withhold and Control
                          □   Identify and Clarify

                          □   Select and Dissect
                          □   Tell and Sell

                          □   Spray and Pray

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