Page 22 - Mini-Module 12
P. 22


                         This module has explored the challenges and opportunities of teacher
                         knowledge  construction  in  conducting  an  issue‐enquiry  in  Liberal
                         Studies.  The  findings  reveal  that  challenges  exist  during  knowledge
                         construction of many Liberal Studies teachers in Hong Kong. They act as
                         impediments  to  teacher  construction  of  the  much‐needed  content
                         knowledge,  substantive  knowledge,  and  syntactic  knowledge.  In  a
                         similar  manner,  teachers’  beliefs  and  perceptions  about  teaching  and
                         learning can also be the sources of challenges because teaching with an
                         issue‐enquiry in Liberal Studies involves teacher change in terms of both
                         beliefs  and  practices.  Hence,  the  construction  of  teacher  knowledge
                         encompasses not only the cognitive domain, but also the metacognitive
                         and affective domains. Finally, this module examines the opportunities
                         of Liberal Studies teachers’ knowledge construction in the light of some
                         implications stemming from its findings. Taken as a whole, this module
                         is significant because knowledge construction of Liberal Studies teachers
                         has  not  been  an  enquiry  focus  of  the  educational  literature  in  Hong
                         Kong.  Given  that  the  issue‐enquiry  approach  will  become  a  common
                         instructional  practice  of  Liberal  Studies  teachers  in  the  New  Senior
                         Secondary curriculum, it would be critical for educational policy‐makers,
                         planners   of   curriculum   development   and   teacher   professional
                         development,  and  practitioners  concerned  to  attend  to  the  issues
                         illuminated in this module.

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